Dependencias Culturales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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Here you will find the names, opening hours, and categories of the Cultural Institutions in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. These include bars, radio stations, folk music clubs, bookstores, libraries, museums, art galleries, and carousels. You can also share your experiences with any of them, highlighting their strengths and providing constructive feedback on areas for improvement.

Cultural InstitutionNeighborhoodActividad
Centro Cultural Artes de Parque ChacabucoParque ChacabucoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Barrio CopelloVilla LuganoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Barrio RivadaviaFloresCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Belgrano R.Villa UrquizaCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural BoedoBoedoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural CEPNA (Centro de Estudios y Proyectos Nueva Argentina)Villa LuganoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural ColegialesColegialesCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Del Bajo FloresNueva PompeyaCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Del SurBarracasCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural DevotoVilla DevotoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural DiscepolínSaavedraCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural El EternautaCaballitoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural El TallerMonte CastroCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Eladia BlázquezVilla SoldatiCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Elías CastelnuovoLiniersCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Fortunato LacámeraSan TelmoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Homero ManziNueva PompeyaCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Juan Carlos CastagninoVilla LuganoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Julio CortázarNuñezCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural La Casita de la SelvaVelez SarsfieldCentro CulturalShow more