Productoras de Espectáculos Teatrales en Argentina

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✓ Here you will find information about Theater Production Companies in Argentina. You can learn about the town and province where they are located, their address, phone number, email, and website.

✓ You can rate and share your experience with these Production Companies and their works.

✓ Source: Cultural Information System of Argentina (2021).

✓ Updated to 2021.

Production Company NameCityProvince/State
Ferdorco ProduccionesNeuquenNeuquénShow more
Arriba el TelónNeuquenNeuquénShow more
Mucho Río ProduccionesSanta FeSanta FeShow more
Uh lalá EspectáculosSanta FeSanta FeShow more
Marcos Golab ProduccionesViedmaRío NegroShow more
Cecilia WilhjelmSanta FeSanta FeShow more
Gladis ContrerasSanta FeSanta FeShow more
Pablo SarnariSanta FeSanta FeShow more
Leticia HernandoSanta RosaLa PampaShow more
La Maquina TeatralSanta RosaLa PampaShow more
La Maquina TeatralSanta RosaLa PampaShow more
Ana Laura ProduccionesAnguilLa PampaShow more
El Pomelo ProduccioinesSanta RosaLa PampaShow more