Dependencias Culturales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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Here you will find the names, opening hours, and categories of the Cultural Institutions in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. These include bars, radio stations, folk music clubs, bookstores, libraries, museums, art galleries, and carousels. You can also share your experiences with any of them, highlighting their strengths and providing constructive feedback on areas for improvement.

Cultural InstitutionNeighborhoodActividad
Biblioteca Martín Del Barco Centenera (con anexo infantil)MonserratBibliotecaShow more
Biblioteca Miguel Cané (con anexo infantil)BoedoBibliotecaShow more
Biblioteca Norah LangeVilla SoldatiBibliotecaShow more
Biblioteca Rafael ObligadoVilla Santa RitaBibliotecaShow more
Biblioteca Ricardo GüiraldesRetiroBibliotecaShow more
Casa de la Lectura - Espacio CulturalVilla CrespoBibliotecaShow more
Mediateca del Patrimonio CulturalMonserratBibliotecaShow more
Casa de la CulturaMonserratCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Alberto OlmedoCaballitoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Alfonsina StorniBalvaneraCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Baldomero Fernández MorenoFlorestaCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural General San MartínSan NicolasCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Nuestra TierraBarracasCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural RecoletaRecoletaCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Tato BoresPalermoCentro CulturalShow more
Complejo Cultural Chacra de los RemediosParque AvellanedaCentro CulturalShow more
La Vidriera de la DGEArtMonserratCentro CulturalShow more
Usina del ArteBocaCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Adán Buenos AyresParque ChacabucoCentro CulturalShow more
Centro Cultural Aníbal TroiloPalermoCentro CulturalShow more