List of UK Authorized Insurers

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Obtain the most detailed information about the UK authorized insurers as compiled by the Bank of England.

Source: Bank of England
(Updated January 2017)

Firm Name
Nationale-Nederlanden Internationale Schadeverzekering SEShow more
Nationwide General Insurance CompanyShow more
Navigators Insurance CompanyShow more
Neill, Clerk and Plant Hill Friendly SocietyShow more
Newbridge Road Assurance SocietyShow more
Newline Insurance Company LimitedShow more
North Atlantic Insurance Company LimitedShow more
NPA Insurance LimitedShow more
NRG Victory Reinsurance LimitedShow more
Oak Tree Friendly SocietyShow more
Odyssey Reinsurance CompanyShow more
OIC Run-off LimitedShow more
Old Mutual Wealth Life & Pensions LimitedShow more
Old Mutual Wealth Life Assurance LimitedShow more
Omnilife Insurance Company LimitedShow more
One Re LtdShow more
Overcliffe Friendly SocietyShow more
OX Reinsurance Company LimitedShow more
PA (GI) LimitedShow more
Pacific Life Re LimitedShow more