Proveedores de alquiler de Equipos de Sonido de Argentina

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✓ Here you will find information about sound equipment rental providers in Argentina. Additionally, you can discover the locality and province where they are located, their address, phone number, email, and website.

✓ You can rate these services and share your experience.

✓ Source: Cultural Information System of Argentina (2021).

✓ Updated to 2021.

Provider NameCityProvince/State
ABC SonidoCordobaCórdobaShow more
Fini (Iluminación y escenarios)CordobaCórdobaShow more
DZ Eventos (+Iluminación)CordobaCórdobaShow more
Luis Mengoni (Sonido + Iluminación)CordobaCórdobaShow more
Estructuras comparsa SRL (Escenarios)CordobaCórdobaShow more
JCL Sonido e IluminaciónCordobaCórdobaShow more
DLM CompanyCordobaCórdobaShow more
PanteraCordobaCórdobaShow more
Gross (acrilicos Baterías)CordobaCórdobaShow more
Eco AudioCordobaCórdobaShow more
Sonido OnaindiaCordobaCórdobaShow more
DesibelioCordobaCórdobaShow more
JammerCordobaCórdobaShow more
Plugged EstudioCordobaCórdobaShow more
Dario Freije SonidoCordobaCórdobaShow more
TC Sonido e IluminaciónCordobaCórdobaShow more
Under MusicCordobaCórdobaShow more
ProsonarCordobaCórdobaShow more
Galaxy fiestas y eventosCordobaCórdobaShow more
AM Sonido. iluminaciónCordobaCórdobaShow more