Dependencias Culturales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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Here you will find the names, opening hours, and categories of the Cultural Institutions in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. These include bars, radio stations, folk music clubs, bookstores, libraries, museums, art galleries, and carousels. You can also share your experiences with any of them, highlighting their strengths and providing constructive feedback on areas for improvement.

Cultural InstitutionNeighborhoodActividad
Aqua FilmsPalermoProductora AudiovisualShow more
Thor RecordsRecoletaDisqueríaShow more
DiscoverSan NicolasDisqueríaShow more
Discos OpusFloresDisqueríaShow more
Al Fin del MundoChacaritaProductora AudiovisualShow more
100 BaresChacaritaProductora AudiovisualShow more
El ZocaloChacaritaProductora AudiovisualShow more
ARTEARConstitucionProductora AudiovisualShow more
Club del DiscoAlmagroDisqueríaShow more
BD CineChacaritaProductora AudiovisualShow more
Casa PiscitelliSan NicolasDisqueríaShow more
Seguí Viniendo DiscosMonserratDisqueríaShow more
LS 86 - TV CANAL 2PalermoTelevisión LocalShow more
Tempo DisqueríaPalermoDisqueríaShow more
LS 82 - TV CANAL 7RecoletaTelevisión LocalShow more
IconosVilla DevotoDisqueríaShow more
Ls 83 - TV CANAL 9ColegialesTelevisión LocalShow more
Etilux SRLVilla UrquizaDisqueríaShow more
LS 84 - TV CANAL 11San CristobalTelevisión LocalShow more
Dos Music ShopBalvaneraDisqueríaShow more