Guide to Charities in Ireland

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Here you will find the most complete data about all the charities in Ireland.
Just browse through the different charities and gain access to their address, type of organization, activities in general and recipients.

Source: Charities Regulator of Ireland

NameRegistered Charity Number
Poor Clare Coletine Community.20013646Show more
Dublin City University20013653Show more
Bunratty Castle Ownership Trust20013660Show more
Dublin Metropolitan Garda Catholic Obsequies Association.20013677Show more
Smyly Trust Services20013684Show more
Muintir Na Tire-General20013714Show more
Firkin Crane Development Company Ltd.20013738Show more
Faithful Companions of Jesus20013745Show more
Kerry Parents And Friends Association20013752Show more
Royal Hibernian Academy20013769Show more
Doorway To Life Ltd20013776Show more
ActionAid20013790Show more
St. Vincent de Paul - Council of Ireland20013806Show more
Conference Of Religious Of Ireland20013820Show more
Stradbally Social Services Council Ltd20013837Show more
Bolton Trust Ltd20013844Show more
Construction Workers Sick Pay Trust20013868Show more
Birr Scientific Heritage Foundation.20013875Show more
Diabetes Federation of Ireland20013899Show more
Marie Reparatrice Sisters- Laurel Hill Avenue- Limerick20013905Show more

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