Guide to Charities in Ireland

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Here you will find the most complete data about all the charities in Ireland.
Just browse through the different charities and gain access to their address, type of organization, activities in general and recipients.

Source: Charities Regulator of Ireland

NameRegistered Charity Number
Douglas Hyde Gallery20012953Show more
Matt Connor Fund20012960Show more
Order of Friars Minor Conventual20012977Show more
Plassey Campus Centre Ltd20013028Show more
Aontas20013042Show more
Galway Association For Mentally Handicapped Children Trust Fund20013066Show more
Rockford Manor Secondary School Scientific Trust20013073Show more
Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies20013080Show more
Marketing Institute of Ireland Ltd20013103Show more
Amethyst Resource for Human Development20013110Show more
Garda Benevolent Trust Fund20013134Show more
The National Federation of Community Action on Drugs Limited20013141Show more
Aware20013189Show more
NRH Foundation20013196Show more
Irish College Of General Practitioners Limited20013202Show more
Mater Foundation Trust20013257Show more
Ognisko Polskie Ltd.20013271Show more
Cork Spina Bifida And Hydrocephalus Association20013295Show more
Ana Liffey Drug Project Limited20013301Show more
Congregation of Mary (Marist Sisters)20013318Show more

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