Ranking de Países según Premios Nobel Otorgados

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Here, you will find a Ranking of Countries based on the Nobel Prizes they have received.

The Nobel Prize is an international award presented annually to recognize individuals or institutions that have made remarkable research, discoveries, or contributions to humanity in the previous year or over the course of their activities.

Source: The Nobel Prize Organisation (October 2022).

PositionCountryNumber of Nobel Prizes
1Estados Unidos400Show more
2Reino Unido138Show more
3Alemania112Show more
4Francia71Show more
5Suecia33Show more
6Rusia32Show more
7Japón29Show more
8Canadá28Show more
9Suiza27Show more
10Austria22Show more
11Países Bajos22Show more
12Italia21Show more
13Polonia19Show more
14Dinamarca13Show more
15Hungría13Show more
16Israel13Show more
17Noruega13Show more
18Australia12Show more
19India12Show more
20Bélgica11Show more
21Irlanda11Show more
22Sudáfrica11Show more
23China9Show more
24España8Show more
25República Checa6Show more
26Ucrania6Show more
27Argentina5Show more
28Finlandia5Show more
29Rumania5Show more
30Egipto4Show more
31Taiwán4Show more
32Lituania3Show more
33México3Show more
34Nueva Zelanda3Show more
35Argelia2Show more
36Bielorrusia2Show more
37Bosnia y Herzegovina2Show more
38Chile2Show more
39Colombia2Show more
40Croacia2Show more
41Timor Oriental2Show more
42Grecia2Show more
43Guatemala2Show more
44Liberia2Show more
45Luxemburgo2Show more
46Pakistán2Show more
47Portugal2Show more
48Santa Lucía2Show more
49Turquía2Show more
50Yugoslavia2Show more
51Bangladesh1Show more
52Brasil1Show more
53Bulgaria1Show more
54Costa Rica1Show more
55Chipre1Show more
56República Democrática del Congo1Show more
57Etiopía1Show more
58Islas Faroe1Show more
59Ghana1Show more
60Hong Kong1Show more
61Islandia1Show more
62Irak1Show more
63Irán1Show more
64Kenia1Show more
65Letonia1Show more
66Líbano1Show more
67Macedonia del Norte1Show more
68Marruecos1Show more
69Birmania1Show more
70Nigeria1Show more
71Palestina1Show more
72Perú1Show more
73Filipinas1Show more
74Eslovenia1Show more
75Corea del Sur1Show more
76Tanzania1Show more
77Tíbet1Show more
78Trinidad y Tobago1Show more
79Túnez1Show more
80Venezuela1Show more
81Vietnam1Show more
82Yemen1Show more

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