New Zealand List of Registered Physiotherapists

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Gain access to the list of the physiotherapists registered by the Physiotherapist Board in New Zealand during 1921 and 2012.

Find name, registration date and Qualification Name of each professional.

ProfessionalRegistration DateAccount
Archdall Grace Pegeen03/11/1944DunedinShow more
Hall Patricia Mary07/11/1944DunedinShow more
Stevenson Patricia Ellen10/11/1944DunedinShow more
Barlett Dorothy Isobel15/11/1944DunedinShow more
Eckhoff Dorothy Eileen16/11/1944DunedinShow more
Thompson Bernice Joyce16/11/1944DunedinShow more
Hooker Nancye Owena20/11/1944DunedinShow more
Robinson Chisne21/11/1944DunedinShow more
Peat Moira Elaine23/11/1944DunedinShow more
Snell Frances Grange23/11/1944DunedinShow more
Campbell Joan Winifred01/12/1944DunedinShow more
Cranwell Helen01/12/1944DunedinShow more
Lynskey Vida Marion01/12/1944DunedinShow more
Graham Elizabeth Beaven05/04/1945DunedinShow more
Farmery Morron Hope21/09/1945DunedinShow more
Bird Justine23/10/1945DunedinShow more
Singleton Ruth Rae26/10/1945DunedinShow more
Molineaux Pamela Beatrice30/10/1945DunedinShow more
Fisher Mary Virginia01/11/1945DunedinShow more
Benge Joan Dorothy06/11/1945DunedinShow more

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