Ingreso Nacional Bruto de Brasil

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✓ Aquí encontrarás información sobre el Ingreso Nacional Bruto (en dólares) de Brasil durante los años 1966-2020.

✓ Fuente: Banco Mundial (actualización al año 2021).

YearIngreso Nacional Bruto (USD)
196625.823.978.009,92Show more
196729.559.163.247,67Show more
196833.065.704.447,87Show more
196936.783.720.975,77Show more
197041.728.566.935,83Show more
197148.684.157.318,57Show more
197258.075.347.258,61Show more
197378.380.807.935,18Show more
1974104.325.590.448,44Show more
1975122.016.649.141,28Show more
1976150.357.935.666,65Show more
1977173.253.413.561,89Show more
1978196.080.790.936,19Show more
1979218.945.212.519,06Show more
1980227.299.903.221,93Show more
1981252.659.071.917,96Show more
1982267.229.261.490,03Show more
1983191.446.471.082,96Show more
1984197.144.720.543,59Show more
1985211.063.860.366,74Show more

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