Guide to Charities in Ireland

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Here you will find the most complete data about all the charities in Ireland.
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Source: Charities Regulator of Ireland


Serv Blood Bike Leinster Limited - Guide to Charities in Ireland

Report StatusNot Submitted
ActivitiesWelfare of those in need because of yourth, age, ill health or disability
BeneficiariesThose suffering from disease, disorders and ill-health
NameServ Blood Bike Leinster Limited
Registered Charity Number20083205
Place Of Business6 Kilbelin Close, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
Governing FormCompany Limited by Guarantee
Is Education BodyNo
Cro Number527085
Country EstablishedIreland
Charitable Purpose, Advancement of community welfare including the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, or disability
Charitable ObjectsOur Mission is to act as an Emergency Rider Voluntary Service which aims to relieve sickness and protect health by the provision of transport of urgently needed blood, blood products, breast milk, patient records, urgent medical equipment and other medica

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