Guide to Charities in Ireland

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Source: Charities Regulator of Ireland


Drumeree Church School Trust - Guide to Charities in Ireland

Report StatusSubmitted
Report Due Date19/10/2015
Report SizeSmall
Report Governing FormPrivate Charitable Trust
BeneficiariesReligious activities
NameDrumeree Church School Trust
Registered Charity Number20015800
AliasDrumcree church school trust
Place Of BusinessElaine Fleeson, Mooretown, Delvin, Co. Westmeath, Ireland.
Governing FormPrivate Charitable Trust
Is Education BodyNo
Cro NumberN/A
Country EstablishedIreland
Charitable PurposeAdvancement of religion
Charitable ObjectsThe Purpose of the Charity. The Trust was set up by the Smyth family in the early 1900's to pay for a teacher for the church of Ireland School in Drumcree. When the school closed the money was then divided between famiilies of school going children to h

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