List of Candidates of the 2016 Wisconsin Elections

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Gain access to the list of all the candidates to the elections in Wisconsin (US) in 2016.
You will find each candidate name. political party, district and post.

Source: Wisconsin Elections Commission

CandidatePolitical PartyJurisdiction
Kane, DouglasBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Grisen, LarryBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Danzinger, DavidBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Rosenow, NettieBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Bork, DennisBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
O'connor, MikeBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Kriesel, JohnBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Mcmillan Urell, Mary AnneBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Mlinar, JosephBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Baloun, DonBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Callahan, EdBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Greshik, RitaBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Brenner, BarrettBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Bee, BrandonBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Roby, Lou AnneBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Bauer, DarenBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Serum, Jackson LowellBUFFALO COUNTYShow more
Blomberg, BrentBURNETT COUNTYShow more
Dresel, Dale CBURNETT COUNTYShow more