Official Journal of the City of New York - July 27, 2020

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Source: Official Journal of the City of New York



WHEREAS, Emergency Executive Order No. 98, issued March 12, 2020 and extended most recently by Emergency Executive Order No. 130, issued July 7, 2020, contains a declaration of a state of emergency in the City of New York due to the threat posed by COVID-19 to the health and welfare of City residents, and such declaration remains in effect; and WHEREAS, this Order is given because of the propensity of the virus to spread person-to-person and also because the actions taken to prevent such spread have led to property loss and damage; and WHEREAS, measures taken to combat the spread of COVID-19 may prevent individuals, businesses and other entities from meeting legally imposed deadlines for the filing of certain documents or for the completion of other required actions; and WHEREAS, this Order is given in order to ensure that the Governors orders are enforced;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in me by the laws of the State of New York and the City of New York, including but not limited to the New York Executive Law, the New York City Charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, and the common law authority to protect the public in the event of an emergency:
Section 1. I hereby direct that sections 1, 2 and 3 of Emergency Executive Order No. 133, dated July 17, 2020, are extended for five 5 days, except as described herein.
2. a. I hereby amend section 3 of Emergency Executive Order No. 131 to read as follows: Notwithstanding section 4 of Emergency Executive Order No. 107, as amended by section 2 of Emergency Executive Order No. 131, the following licenses, permits, consents, or registrations shall be subject to expiration or renewal in accordance with the terms or conditions of such license, permit, consent, or registration, beginning 45 days from:
1. July 12, 2020, for any permit issued by the Department of Transportation for work performed in the street; and 2. August 7, 2020, for any license, permit, or registration issued by the Department of Buildings, provided that the renewal of any such license, permit, or registration will be tolled from the date renewal would have otherwise been required, as described in a schedule of renewals issued by the Department.
b. Updated information shall be provided on the City Agency Service Updates website at: https
3. I hereby revoke section 12 of Emergency Executive Order No. 102, which suspended section 11-214b of the Administrative Code, relating to the 20-day period to apply for a correction of a new assessment, provided that any such 20-day period tolled by Executive Emergency Order No. 102 is tolled from the date of this order.
4. I hereby amend section 8 of Emergency Executive Order No. 100, as amended by section 4b of Emergency Executive Order No. 102, and section 4f of Emergency Executive Order No. 102 to permit the reopening of zoos, botanical gardens and other low-risk outdoor arts and entertainment events, as set forth in New York States website, at https, subject to the restrictions in any and all relevant provisions of Governor Executive Order No. 202 and subsequent orders issued by the Governor of New York State to address the State of Emergency.
5. This Order incorporates any and all relevant provisions of Governor Executive Order No. 202 and subsequent orders issued by the Governor of New York State to address the State of Emergency declared in that Order pursuant to his powers under section 29-a of the Executive Law.
6. I hereby direct the Fire Department of the City of New York, the New York City Police Department, the Department of Buildings, the Sheriff, and other agencies as needed to immediately enforce the directives set forth in this Order in accordance with their lawful enforcement authorities, including but not limited to Administrative Code sections 15-227a, 28-105.10.1, and 28-201.1, and section 107.6 of the New York City Fire Code. Violations of the directives set forth in this Order may be issued as if they were violations under the New York City Health Code, title 24 Rules of the City of New York sections 3.07 and 3.11, and may be enforced as such by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene or any other agency named in this section.
7. This Emergency Executive Order shall take effect immediately, and shall remain in effect for five 5 days unless it is terminated or modified at an earlier date.
Bill de Blasio, MAYOR

MONDAY, JULY 27, 2020

July 17, 2020
WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a State disaster emergency for the entire State of New York to address the threat that COVID-19 poses to the health and welfare of New York residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, Emergency Executive Order No. 98, issued March 12, 2020 and extended most recently by Emergency Executive Order No. 130, issued July 7, 2020, contains a declaration of a state of emergency in the City of New York due to the threat posed by COVID-19 to the health and welfare of City residents, and such declaration remains in effect; and WHEREAS, this Order is given because of the propensity of the virus to spread person-to-person and also because the actions taken to prevent such spread have led to property loss and damage; and WHEREAS, measures taken to combat the spread of COVID-19 may prevent individuals, businesses and other entities from meeting legally imposed deadlines for the filing of certain documents or for the completion of other required actions; and WHEREAS, this Order is given in order to ensure that the Governors orders are enforced;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in me by the laws of the State of New York and the City of New York, including but not limited to the New York Executive Law, the New York City Charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, and the common law authority to protect the public in the event of an emergency:
Section 1. I hereby direct that sections 1, 2 and 3 of Emergency Executive Order No. 131, dated July 12, 2020, and section 1 of Emergency Executive Order No. 132, dated July 14, 2020, are extended for five 5 days, except as described herein.
2. I hereby revoke section 5 of Emergency Executive Order No. 111, which suspended section 1054c of the New York City Charter relating to meetings of the Voter Assistance Advisory Committee.
3. I hereby revoke section 5 of Emergency Executive Order No. 107 to the extent such section suspended section 3202a4 of the New York City Charter concerning publication of a poll site language assistance methodology, provided such section of such Emergency Executive Order otherwise remains in effect.
4. This Order incorporates any and all relevant provisions of Governor Executive Order No. 202 and subsequent orders issued by the Governor of New York State to address the State of Emergency declared in that Order pursuant to his powers under section 29-a of the Executive Law.
5. I hereby direct the Fire Department of the City of New York, the New York City Police Department, the Department of Buildings, the Sheriff, and other agencies as needed to immediately enforce the directives set forth in this Order in accordance with their lawful enforcement authorities, including but not limited to Administrative Code sections 15-227a, 28-105.10.1, and 28-201.1, and section 107.6 of the New York City Fire Code. Violations of the directives set forth in this Order may be issued as if they were violations under the New York City Health Code, title 24 Rules of the City of New York sections 3.07 and 3.11, and may be enforced as such by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene or any other agency named in this section.
6. This Emergency Executive Order shall take effect immediately, and shall remain in effect for five 5 days unless it is terminated or modified at an earlier date.
Bill de Blasio, MAYOR



About this edition

Official Journal of the City of New York - July 27, 2020

TitleOfficial Journal of the City of New York

CountryUnited States


Page count48

Edition count3995

First edition05/03/2008

Last issue07/05/2024

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