Ranking of Countries by Life Expectancy

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In this site you will find a Ranking of Countries based on their Life Expectancy at Birth. This is the average number of years a newborn would live if age-specific mortality rates in the current year were to stay the same throughout its life.

The information for each country is divided into Life Expectancy for Males, Females and both.

Source: United Nations World Population Prospects (September 2022).

RankPaysLife expectancy for both gendersMalesFemalesGender Life Expectancy Gap
61China78.275.581.25.7Voir plus
62Czechia77.774.780.96.2Voir plus
63Croatia77.674.281.16.9Voir plus
64Barbados77.675.679.43.8Voir plus
65United States77.274.380.25.9Voir plus
66Saint Pierre and Miquelon77.273.581.47.9Voir plus
67Northern Mariana Islands77.275.679.23.6Voir plus
68Estonia77.172.881.28.4Voir plus
69Costa Rica77.074.479.85.4Voir plus
70Saudi Arabia76.975.678.83.2Voir plus
71Saint Helena76.874.280.46.2Voir plus
72Kosovo76.874.279.65.4Voir plus
73Guam76.77380.77.7Voir plus
74Anguilla76.673.280.57.3Voir plus
75Poland76.572.680.47.8Voir plus
76Albania76.574.179.25.1Voir plus
77Sri Lanka76.473.179.56.4Voir plus
78Algeria76.474.9783.1Voir plus
79Montenegro76.37379.86.8Voir plus
80Panama76.27379.66.6Voir plus