Consumer Complaint Database at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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These are complaints received by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on a range of consumer financial products and services. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau does not verify all the facts alleged in these complaints, but they take steps to confirm a commercial relationship between the consumer and the company

Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - - June, 17, 2019


Aaa Collections - Consumer Complaint Database at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Consumer Consent Provided?Consent provided
Complaint Submitted ViaWeb
Date Sent To Company10/22/2018
Company Response To ConsumerClosed with explanation
Timely Response?Yes
Consumer Disputed?N/A
Complaint Id3052867
Date Received10/22/2018
ProductDebt collection
Sub-ProductOther debt
IssueTook or threatened to take negative or legal action
Sub-IssueThreatened to arrest you or take you to jail if you do not pay
Consumer Complaint NarrativeAAA collections agency South Dakota has been collecting my money for about 2 years now on a medical bill Ive never had a problem paying until I decided to Change by my banking info, I called back to see why my payments were not going through after about a
Company Public ResponseCompany disputes the facts presented in the complaint
Company (To Which The Complaint Relates)AAA Collections
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