High Schools Directory of Ireland

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Here you will find the most detailed information about all the registered high schools from Ireland.
It includes address, contact information, e-mail, and type of school.
You can also leave us a comment as regards your experience in any of them.


St Kieran's College - High Schools Directory of Ireland

Official School NameSt Kieran's College
Roll Number61560J
AddressSecondary School
Principal NameMR. JOHN J CURTIS
School Gender - Post PrimaryBoys
Pupil Attendance TypeDay
Irish Classification - Post PrimaryNo subjects taught through Irish
Phone   567761707 Llamar
Email   school@stkieranscollege.ie

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--- - 2021-12-06 05:44:40

My the first son was student when principal John J Curtis and big thanks for his personal respect to everyone and parents happy with kids result.

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