Galindez Cordero Euclides Alejandro - Dtto. Capital - Venezuela

ID card13.851.136
Date of Birth09/01/1975

External consultations

Driver's Licenses (INTT)View licensesWhat is it?Find out if GALINDEZ CORDERO EUCLIDES ALEJANDRO has driver's licenses issued by the National Institute of Land Transportation.
Fines (INTT)View finesWhat is it?Check if GALINDEZ CORDERO EUCLIDES ALEJANDRO has fines (infractions) registered with the National Institute of Land Transportation.
Social Security (IVSS)
View Social Security
What is it?Check if GALINDEZ CORDERO EUCLIDES ALEJANDRO has a pension, type of pension, status, pension amount, and more in the Venezuelan Institute of Social Security.
Individual Account (IVSS)View Individual AccountWhat is it?Check if GALINDEZ CORDERO EUCLIDES ALEJANDRO has an individual account in the IVSS. This external query provides data such as the insured person's company, last salary, insured status, and more. This query is performed at the Venezuelan Institute of Social Security.
Taxpayer (SENIAT)View taxpayerWhat is it?Check the status of GALINDEZ CORDERO EUCLIDES ALEJANDRO and obtain data such as their economic activity, signatures, withholdings, and more.

Information about this Name

  • No other people have been found with the name Galindez Cordero Euclides Alejandro
  • 33 people in Venezuela have the last name Galindez Cordero

Alternative Names

  • Euclides A. Galindez Cordero
  • Galindez Cordero Euclides A.

The information provided here regarding name, ID, date of birth, state, municipality and parish comes from the Electoral Registry published by the National Electoral Council in accordance with art. 27 of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes. The owner of the data can request the removal of his or her appearance on by entering here.