Urbana Montiel - CUIT 27-00242368-0

Basic and Identification Data

Last Name and NameMONTIEL URBANA
Possible DNI242.368
HomonymsNo other persons were found in the AFIP roll with this same name and last name.
People with the same last name33.054 people in Argentina have the last name Montiel

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires del 02/06/2015 - Sección Sucesiones - Page 6

. 66.584 Mc. 66.587 Navarro Guillermo F. Valverde L.P. 20.067 L.P. 20.068 L.P. 20.069 L.P. 20.073 L.P. 20.074 L.P. 20.083 L.P. 20.086 L.P. 20.089 L.P. 20.098 C.F. 30.711 M.P. 33.941 Mc. 66.549 Mc. 66.550 Mc. 66.554 Mc. 66.555 Mc. 66.559 Mc. 66.561 Mc. 66.562 Mc. 66.564 Mc. 66.565 Mc. 66.567 Mc. 66.570 Mc. 66.571 FECHA CAUSANTE 31-3-15 MEDERO MIGUEL 9-4-15 JOSE CONEJERA 9-2-15 NELSON CRISANTO ROMERO y OLGA MERCEDES GARBINI 15-4-15 MARIA HILDA BOGSCHUTZ 18-6-14 OSCAR RODOLFO LEOPARDI 3-3-15 MARIA DEL CARMEN ORTEGA 1º-4-15 LUIS FERNANDO UNTERMANN 11-3-15 SAMUEL EBERLE 17-4-15 MATILDE LUISA MAGGIO, ELENA LUISA GIORDANO, OSCAR ALBERTO GIORDANO y AMANDA NILDA GIORDANO 23-4-15 MARIA TATTA 6-4-15 URBANA MONTIEL 14-4-15 LUIS ALBERTO FERRA 15-4-15... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires del 01/06/2015 - Sección Sucesiones - Page 6

. 66.584 Mc. 66.587 Navarro Guillermo F. Valverde L.P. 20.067 L.P. 20.068 L.P. 20.069 L.P. 20.073 L.P. 20.074 L.P. 20.083 L.P. 20.086 L.P. 20.089 L.P. 20.098 C.F. 30.711 M.P. 33.941 Mc. 66.549 Mc. 66.550 Mc. 66.554 Mc. 66.555 Mc. 66.559 Mc. 66.561 Mc. 66.562 Mc. 66.564 Mc. 66.565 Mc. 66.567 Mc. 66.570 Mc. 66.571 FECHA CAUSANTE 31-3-15 MEDERO MIGUEL 9-4-15 JOSE CONEJERA 9-2-15 NELSON CRISANTO ROMERO y OLGA MERCEDES GARBINI 15-4-15 MARIA HILDA BOGSCHUTZ 18-6-14 OSCAR RODOLFO LEOPARDI 3-3-15 MARIA DEL CARMEN ORTEGA 1º-4-15 LUIS FERNANDO UNTERMANN 11-3-15 SAMUEL EBERLE 17-4-15 MATILDE LUISA MAGGIO, ELENA LUISA GIORDANO, OSCAR ALBERTO GIORDANO y AMANDA NILDA GIORDANO 23-4-15 MARIA TATTA 6-4-15 URBANA MONTIEL 14-4-15 LUIS ALBERTO FERRA 15-4-15... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires del 29/05/2015 - Sección Sucesiones - Page 6

. 66.584 Mc. 66.587 Navarro Guillermo F. Valverde L.P. 20.067 L.P. 20.068 L.P. 20.069 L.P. 20.073 L.P. 20.074 L.P. 20.083 L.P. 20.086 L.P. 20.089 L.P. 20.098 C.F. 30.711 M.P. 33.941 Mc. 66.549 Mc. 66.550 Mc. 66.554 Mc. 66.555 Mc. 66.559 Mc. 66.561 Mc. 66.562 Mc. 66.564 Mc. 66.565 Mc. 66.567 Mc. 66.570 Mc. 66.571 FECHA CAUSANTE 31-3-15 MEDERO MIGUEL 9-4-15 JOSE CONEJERA 9-2-15 NELSON CRISANTO ROMERO y OLGA MERCEDES GARBINI 15-4-15 MARIA HILDA BOGSCHUTZ 18-6-14 OSCAR RODOLFO LEOPARDI 3-3-15 MARIA DEL CARMEN ORTEGA 1º-4-15 LUIS FERNANDO UNTERMANN 11-3-15 SAMUEL EBERLE 17-4-15 MATILDE LUISA MAGGIO, ELENA LUISA GIORDANO, OSCAR ALBERTO GIORDANO y AMANDA NILDA GIORDANO 23-4-15 MARIA TATTA 6-4-15 URBANA MONTIEL 14-4-15 LUIS ALBERTO FERRA 15-4-15... Read more

See more search results for “Urbana Montiel” in the Official Journal

* If this person is a minor, it won't be possible to provide information.

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