Rocio Misenti - CUIT 27-39910643-0

Basic and Identification Data

Last Name and NameMISENTI ROCIO
Possible DNI39.910.643
HomonymsNo other persons were found in the AFIP roll with this same name and last name.
People with the same last name49 people in Argentina have the last name Misenti

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina del 14/12/2021 - Cuarta Sección - Page 15

bpmontechingolo Koleva Chapareva Iliyana Pasaporte 384731367 BGR 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 bravias MARADEI GABRIELA MARIA CUIT 27325538398 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 breeze MARERA GERMAN CUIT 20288024171 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 broassoc PORTINO GONZALEZ NICOLAS JUAN CUIT 20306397118 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 bruscachic ALAIMO Micaela Soledad CUIT 27387887658 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 brys DATTATEC.COM S.R.L. CUIT 30710173652 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 buceadores ARANCIBIA RUBEN OMAR CUIT 20200053967 13/12/2021 14/12/2021 buendolar WALKER JOSE FLORENTINO CUIT 20185355749 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 buenosairesrentacar MELE TITO ANIBAL CUIT 20044035201 14/12/2021 15/12/2021 buhoestudio MISENTI ROCIO MISENTI ROCIO CUIT 27399106430... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina del 13/12/2021 - Cuarta Sección - Page 12

30710173652 13/12/2021 14/12/2021 bonavota BONAVOTA CRISTIAN LEONEL BONAVOTA CRISTIAN LEONEL CUIT 20417795856 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 boostcreativo VELLON JUAN IGNACIO CUIT 20369184653 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 bossjobs BOSCH NICOLAS FEDERICO CUIT 20383593302 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 bravisima GUTIERREZ FEA SERGIO DANIEL CUIT 20206218720 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 brest SENRA NICOLAS MARTIN SENRA NICOLAS MARTIN CUIT 20386755214 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 brocolipop VAUDAGNA MARIA VICTORIA CUIT 27293775996 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 brotapp ANZORENA Maximiliano Alfio CUIT 20375183685 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 buceadores ARANCIBIA RUBEN OMAR CUIT 20200053967 13/12/2021 14/12/2021 buhoestudio MISENTI ROCIO MISENTI ROCIO CUIT 27399106430 13/12/2021 14/12/2021 bundel PINO RICARDO UNELEN CUIT 20346421895 10/12/2021 13/12/2021 ... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina del 14/11/2021 - Cuarta Sección - Page 18

23321170854 12/11/2021 15/11/2021 hoor MISENTI ROCIO MISENTI ROCIO CUIT 27399106430 11/11/2021 12/11/2021 hospedajerobertin PADRON MARIANO AGUSTIN CUIT 20379755918 11/11/2021 12/11/2021 hotelmarcelo MARTINO EDUARDO RAUL CUIT 20127166456 12/11/2021 15/11/2021 hotelwengbalnearia ACOSTA ALISSON NATALIA CUIT 27359139220 11/11/2021 12/11/2021 hoycocinamos ELSERVER SRL CUIT 30707447504 12/11/2021 15/11/2021 hqcaconcaguaexpedition TORRES SANCHEZ FLORENCIA MARISEL CUIT 23338903464 11/11/2021 12/11/2021 i24 RODRIGUEZ JULIO ALEJANDRO Alejandro CUIT 20247772864 11/11/2021 12/11/2021 ic3 IANNICELLI LUIS MATIAS CUIT 20290419655 12/11/2021 15/11/2021 icana INSTITUTO CULTURAL ARGENTINO NORTEAMERICANO CUIT 30526108465 11/11/2021 12/11/2021 ... Read more

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