Peña Fernandez Maria Elena - CUIT 27-92491648-1

Basic and Identification Data

Possible DNI92.491.648
HomonymsNo other persons were found in the AFIP roll with this same name and last name.
People with the same last name38.825 people in Argentina have the last name Peña

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina del 09/11/2016 - Segunda Sección - Page 32

ABATE Y ALEJANDRO RICARDO ABATE ISRAEL PERELSTEIN Y ROSA KLOS MARIA ANGELICA MOLLA MELIDONI SUSANA Y SASON JACOBO CORNEJO MIRTA SUSANA Y ZULEMA COLOMBA GIANFRANCESCO LEIVA ELIA NELIDA BIAGGINA PERLONGO TERESA BEATRIZ GOMEZ REGINA MARIA TERESA GIRELLI ROBERTO FERNANDEZ KARINA MONICA PEÑA FERNANDEZ MARIA ELENA 32 Recibo 79182/16 77754/16 83098/16 79959/16 82583/16 82643/16 79865/16 80394/16 77688/16 83409/16 77240/16 76940/16 81709/16 84337/16 78267/16 70379/16 80738/16 82553/16 81273/16 81734/16 83489/16 79854/16 81319/16 72709/16 82437/16 82004/16 73882/16 83095/16 82870/16 75671/16 81649/16 70557/16 72292/16 83423/16 83414/16 77213/16 81675/16 e. 09/11/2016 N° 3463 v. 09/11/2016 Remates Judiciales NUEVOS #I5201038I# JUZGADO NACIONAL EN LO... Read more

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