Juan Manuel Novoa - CUIT 20-30662286-3

Basic and Identification Data

Possible DNI30.662.286
Est. Age40 years
HomonymsAt least 6 people in Argentina are named Juan Manuel Novoa
People with the same last name6.080 people in Argentina have the last name Novoa

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires del 30/10/2018 (Anexo) - Page 416

/18 1/8/18 1/8/18 31/12/18 31/12/18 31/12/18 31/12/18 EATC EATC EATC EATC RES. N° RES. N° RES. N° RES. N° 0761 0761 0761 0761 $ 7.260,00 $ 7.260,00 $ 7.260,00 $ 7.260,00 GALLUCCIO CLAUDIO MARCELO DNI 17.191.595 CL. AD. INCREMENTO 01/08 1/8/18 31/12/18 EATC RES. N° 0761 $ 10.650,00 GARCIA NOELIA GOYTIA ADRIANA MARIA MANUELA GOYTIA GRACIELA MONICA INIESTA KUSSROW MARIA VICTORIA LAURORA EMILSE PATRICIA LAVAQUE RUBEN PABLO MACHUCA JUAN MANUEL NOVOA EZEQUIEL FERNANDO DNI 26.435.729 CL. AD. INCREMENTO 01/08 1/8/18 31/12/18 EATC RES. N° 0761 $ 7.260,00 DNI 16.209.468 CL. AD. INCREMENTO 01/08 1/8/18 31/12/18 EATC RES. N° 0761 $ 7.260,00 DNI 12.199.632 CL. AD. INCREMENTO 01/08 1/8/18 31/12/18 EATC RES. N° 0761... Read more

See more search results for “Juan Manuel Novoa” in the Official Journal

* If this person is a minor, it won't be possible to provide information.

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