Fermin Represas - CUIT 20-93746524-7

Basic and Identification Data

Possible DNI93.746.524
HomonymsNo other persons were found in the AFIP roll with this same name and last name.
People with the same last name171 people in Argentina have the last name Represas

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires del 23/12/2016 - Sección Sucesiones - Page 2

S.I. 16 María C. Padrones 12-12-16 CARLOS ALBERTO DIAS S.I. 43.597 S.I. 15 Laura Trench 21-11-16 JOSE ANTONIO MORENO S.I. 16 Juan A. Gasparini 5-12-16 CARLOS EDUARDO RUCKERT S.I. 7 Uca. María C. Gallardo 29-11-16 OLGA CAROLINA GIANNONI y S.I. 2 Silvina Lepore 13-12-16 CARLOS CORPUS S.I. 43.602 S.I. 9 Mariela Frulla 12-12-16 ALFREDO EGIDIO VEGNADUZZO S.I. 43.603 S.I. 2 Silvina Lepore 12-12-16 CARLOS RUFINO MONTERO y S.I. 10 Uca. Nicolás A. Campolongo 11-11-16 ANTONIO COVANTI S.I. 43.605 S.I. 13 Uca. Arturo Goya 12-12-16 STELLA MARIS ARRIERO S.I. 43.606 DORA LUISA IOVINO IRMA MERCEDES ROCHA FERMIN REPRESAS María L. Oneto 7-12-16 JOSE MARIA RODRIGUEZ S.I. 43.593 S.I. 43.595 S.I. 43.598 S.I. 43.599... Read more

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* If this person is a minor, it won't be possible to provide information.

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