Delia Asmundo - CUIT 27-04372579-9

Basic and Identification Data

Last Name and NameASMUNDO DELIA
Possible DNI4.372.579
HomonymsNo other persons were found in the AFIP roll with this same name and last name.
People with the same last name6 people in Argentina have the last name Asmundo

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires del 11/10/2011 - Sección Sucesiones - Page 5

. 64.841 Mn. 64.842 Mn. 64.843 Mn. 64.844 Mn. 64.846 Mn. 64.847 Mn. 64.848 Mn. 64.849 Mn. 64.850 Mn. 64.851 Mn. 64.853 Mn. 64.858 Mn. 64.859 Mn. 64.861 Mn. 64.862 Mn. 64.863 Mn. 64.864 Mn. 64.865 Jorge M. Ferrari Patricio G. Groppo Susana M. Sallies Susana M. Sallies RECIBO 9-9-11 ALBERTO JOSE BREY 23-8-11 LUIS JOSE CERRATTO y DELIA ASMUNDO 12-9-11 AUDELINO FAUSTINO CASTRO 12-9-11 ENCARNACION TOMASA BALENZUELA S.M. 53.238 S.M. 53.239 S.M. 53.240 S.M. 53.241 S.M. 53.242 S.M. 53.243 S.M. 53.244 CAUSANTE 2-9-11 17-8-11 14-9-11 31-8-11 PAULA GABRIELA RIZZO IRMA ISABEL RICUPERO JUAN MORALES CONSTANTINO JORGE PSETTOURAS 16-9-11 FLORENCIO IRINEO TORRES 14-9-11 JOSEFA NELIDA TRUJILLO ERNESTO EUSEBIO BILBAO POVL AMBROSIUS KAARE SERGIO OMAR... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires del 07/10/2011 - Sección Sucesiones - Page 5

. 64.841 Mn. 64.842 Mn. 64.843 Mn. 64.844 Mn. 64.846 Mn. 64.847 Mn. 64.848 Mn. 64.849 Mn. 64.850 Mn. 64.851 Mn. 64.853 Mn. 64.858 Mn. 64.859 Mn. 64.861 Mn. 64.862 Mn. 64.863 Mn. 64.864 Mn. 64.865 Jorge M. Ferrari Patricio G. Groppo Susana M. Sallies Susana M. Sallies RECIBO 9-9-11 ALBERTO JOSE BREY 23-8-11 LUIS JOSE CERRATTO y DELIA ASMUNDO 12-9-11 AUDELINO FAUSTINO CASTRO 12-9-11 ENCARNACION TOMASA BALENZUELA S.M. 53.238 S.M. 53.239 S.M. 53.240 S.M. 53.241 S.M. 53.242 S.M. 53.243 S.M. 53.244 CAUSANTE 2-9-11 17-8-11 14-9-11 31-8-11 PAULA GABRIELA RIZZO IRMA ISABEL RICUPERO JUAN MORALES CONSTANTINO JORGE PSETTOURAS 16-9-11 FLORENCIO IRINEO TORRES 14-9-11 JOSEFA NELIDA TRUJILLO ERNESTO EUSEBIO BILBAO POVL AMBROSIUS KAARE SERGIO OMAR... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires del 06/10/2011 - Sección Sucesiones - Page 5

. 64.841 Mn. 64.842 Mn. 64.843 Mn. 64.844 Mn. 64.846 Mn. 64.847 Mn. 64.848 Mn. 64.849 Mn. 64.850 Mn. 64.851 Mn. 64.853 Mn. 64.858 Mn. 64.859 Mn. 64.861 Mn. 64.862 Mn. 64.863 Mn. 64.864 Mn. 64.865 Jorge M. Ferrari Patricio G. Groppo Susana M. Sallies Susana M. Sallies RECIBO 9-9-11 ALBERTO JOSE BREY 23-8-11 LUIS JOSE CERRATTO y DELIA ASMUNDO 12-9-11 AUDELINO FAUSTINO CASTRO 12-9-11 ENCARNACION TOMASA BALENZUELA S.M. 53.238 S.M. 53.239 S.M. 53.240 S.M. 53.241 S.M. 53.242 S.M. 53.243 S.M. 53.244 CAUSANTE 2-9-11 17-8-11 14-9-11 31-8-11 PAULA GABRIELA RIZZO IRMA ISABEL RICUPERO JUAN MORALES CONSTANTINO JORGE PSETTOURAS 16-9-11 FLORENCIO IRINEO TORRES 14-9-11 JOSEFA NELIDA TRUJILLO ERNESTO EUSEBIO BILBAO POVL AMBROSIUS KAARE SERGIO OMAR... Read more

See more search results for “Delia Asmundo” in the Official Journal

* If this person is a minor, it won't be possible to provide information.

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