Claudio Luis Raia - CUIT 20-14812633-0

Basic and Identification Data

Possible DNI14.812.633
Est. Age62 years
HomonymsNo other persons were found in the AFIP roll with this same name and last name.
People with the same last name400 people in Argentina have the last name Raia

Information from AFIP

Activity or OccupationServicios de administración de consorcios de edificios

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires del 12/9/2023 - Page 11

........................................................................................... Pág. 282 Disposición N° 5129/DGDYPC/23 Se sanciona con multa a Claudio Luis Raia........................................................................................................ Pág. 285 Disposición N° 5130/DGDYPC/23 Se sanciona con multa a Juan Carlos Sánchez.................................................................................................. Pág. 289 Disposición N° 5135/DGDYPC/23 Se sanciona con multa a Facundo Matías Romagnoli........................................................................................ Pág. 291 Disposición N° 5136/DGDYPC/23 Se sanciona con multa a Aldana Denise Uriburu... Read more

See more search results for “Claudio Luis Raia” in the Official Journal

* If this person is a minor, it won't be possible to provide information.

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