David Rodger - Obituary of 03/04/2020 in Sepelios Y Participaciones

Sepelios Y Participaciones
Published on 03/04/2020
David Rodger q.e.p.d. - Alan, Paula, Ali y Ámbar Taylor participan con tristeza su fallecimiento y acompañan a su querido amigo Paul y familia en su dolor.

Learn more about David Rodger (*)

* There are usually multiple individuals with the same first name and last name, so the records in this database exclusively refer to the specified person or persons. It should be assumed that there are other individuals with the same name and surname who have no relation to the information provided in this record.

Information about this Name

  • There are 6 obituaries under the name David Rodger
  • There are 17 obituaries under the last name Rodger

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