W Hosting SA - CUIT 30-71055869-4

Basic and Identification Data

Company's NameW HOSTING SA

Information from AFIP

Activity or OccupationServicios de informática n.c.p.
Income TaxActivo
Value Added TaxActivo
MonotributoNo Inscripto
Member of CompaniesNo

Information from the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic

Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina del 23/09/2020 - Cuarta Sección - Page 338

/2020 22/09/2020 winwin KALFAIAN HNOS SRL CUIT 30678264969 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wip3d LLUCH MARIEL CUIT 27320467042 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wired HELLER GERMAN CUIT 20288027987 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirelesstigre MARIANI EMILIO VALENTIN CUIT 20371660519 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirenetserver JACQUET MATILLON JOSE LUIS CUIT 20256132592 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wiri SIELECKI MATHIAS SIELECKI MATHIAS CUIT 20380101867 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirisalud SIELECKI MATHIAS SIELECKI MATHIAS CUIT 20380101867 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wiroos W HOSTING SA CUIT 30710558694 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirsolut WIRSOLUT S.A. CUIT 30710687389 22/09/2020 23/09/2020 wirtrack WIRSOLUT S.A. CUIT 30710687389 22/09/2020 23/09/2020... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina del 22/09/2020 - Cuarta Sección - Page 338

/2020 22/09/2020 winwin KALFAIAN HNOS SRL CUIT 30678264969 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wip3d LLUCH MARIEL CUIT 27320467042 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wired HELLER GERMAN CUIT 20288027987 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirelesstigre MARIANI EMILIO VALENTIN CUIT 20371660519 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirenetserver JACQUET MATILLON JOSE LUIS CUIT 20256132592 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wiri SIELECKI MATHIAS SIELECKI MATHIAS CUIT 20380101867 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirisalud SIELECKI MATHIAS SIELECKI MATHIAS CUIT 20380101867 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wiroos W HOSTING SA CUIT 30710558694 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirsolut WIRSOLUT S.A. CUIT 30710687389 22/09/2020 23/09/2020 wirtrack WIRSOLUT S.A. CUIT 30710687389 22/09/2020 23/09/2020... Read more

Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina del 21/09/2020 - Cuarta Sección - Page 272

/2020 wip3d LLUCH MARIEL CUIT 27320467042 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wired HELLER GERMAN CUIT 20288027987 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirelesstigre MARIANI EMILIO VALENTIN CUIT 20371660519 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirenetserver JACQUET MATILLON JOSE LUIS CUIT 20256132592 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wiri SIELECKI MATHIAS SIELECKI MATHIAS CUIT 20380101867 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wirisalud SIELECKI MATHIAS SIELECKI MATHIAS CUIT 20380101867 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wiroos W HOSTING SA CUIT 30710558694 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wish BOISMOREAU GUSTAVO JAVIER CUIT 20222479356 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wisp 101DOMAIN, INC. Pasaporte 17567321 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wkns ROSALES PABLO CUIT 20220736238 21/09/2020 22/09/2020 wonder... Read more

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