Official Journal of the City of New York - November 20, 2019

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Source: Official Journal of the City of New York




The November 2019 Manhattan Borough Board meeting, will be held, on Thursday, November 21st, 2019, at 8:30 A.M., at 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor South, New York, NY 10007.
Accessibility questions: Brian Lafferty 212 669-4564,, by: Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 5:00 P.M.


CEQR No. 19DCP119M
GO Broome Street Development Project Identification CEQR No. 19DCP119M
ULURP Nos.C200064ZMM, C200061ZSM, C200061 A ZSM, M790721BZSM, N200065ZRM, N200066ZAM, N200067ZAM

Lead Agency City Planning Commission 120 Broadway, 31st Floor New York, NY 10271

Contact Person Olga Abinader, Director, 212 720-3493
Environmental Assessment and Review Division New York City Department of City Planning The City Planning Commission CPC, acting as lead agency, issued a Notice of Completion on August 23, 2019, for a Draft Environmental Impact Statement DEIS, for the GO Broome Street Development proposal, in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law. A public hearing on the DEIS, will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, at 10:00 A.M., at the City Planning Commission Hearing Room, located at 120 Broadway, Lower Concourse, New York, NY 10271, in conjunction with the CPCs public hearing, pursuant to ULURP. The public hearing will also consider a modification to the Proposed Action ULURP No. C200061 A ZSM. Comments are requested on the DEIS and will be accepted until Monday, December 16, 2019.
The applicants, GO Broome LLC and The Chinatown Planning Council Housing Development, are seeking the following discretionary actions from the City Planning Commission: a zoning map amendment to change an R8 district to an R9-1 district, with a C2-5 overlay; a zoning text amendment to Appendix F of the Zoning Resolution Inclusionary Housing Designated Areas and Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Areas, to designate a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Area, and to ZR Sections 23-011, 28-01, and 78-03, to allow the use of the Quality Housing Program; an authorization, pursuant to ZR Section 13-443
Reduction in the number of required existing parking spaces, to eliminate 33 spaces of required accessory off-street parking on Block 346, Lot 75; and a modification of the Seward Park Extension West Large-Scale Residential Development the LSRD, to reflect changes to the zoning lots and to update the site plan and zoning calculations of the LSRD, which includes the addition of Block 346, Lot 37 and an authorization and special permits, pursuant to ZR Section 78-311
Authorizations by the City Planning Commission and 78-312 Special permits by the City Planning Commission.
Together, the proposed actions would facilitate the development of two buildings, to be located on Block 346, Lots 37 and 75 Projected Development Site 1. The proposed development would include a 30-story, 310-foot-tall mixed-use high-rise building, with frontage on Suffolk and Broome Streets, called the Suffolk Building, and a 16-story, 165-foot-tall high-rise mixed-use building, with frontage on Norfolk and Broome Streets, called the Norfolk Building. Independent of the proposed development, in the future with the proposed actions, it is anticipated that the owner of the existing 5-story mixed-use building, located on Lot 95 of the project block Projected Development Site 2, would increase its commercial space by approximately 4,759
gross square feet gsf.
Since the issuance of the Notice of Completion for the DEIS, GO
Broome LLC and The Chinatown Planning Council Housing Development have filed an amended application ULURP No. C200061


A ZSM. The amended application would not change the proposed development in any way. It would waive the required distance of 80 feet between buildings that is required when buildings on the same zoning lot exceed 125 feet in height and lot coverage exceeds 40%. Because there is an existing building on the project block that is 126.13 feet in height, the amendment waives the required distance between buildings for the vertical distance between 125 feet and 126.13 feet.
In order to assess the possible impacts of the components of the Proposed Actions, a reasonable worst-case development scenario RWCDS was established for both the current No-Action and proposed zoning With-Action conditions, by the build year of 2023.
Overall, the With Action condition would total approximately 466,901
gsf, with approximately 399,344 gsf for residential space, 23,547 gsf for commercial space including 4,759 gsf of commercial space on Block 346, Lot 95, and 44,010 gsf for community facility space. There would be a total of approximately 488 dwelling units, with the current plan to provide approximately 93 units designated as permanent affordable units in the Suffolk Building and approximately 115 AIRS units in the Norfolk Building. The AIRS units are subject to City financing. If financing is unavailable, the Norfolk Building would be developed, pursuant to MIH and include a set-aside of non-AIRS permanently affordable housing units. The proposed project would amend the site plan for the existing LSRD.
In addition, the applicant is expected to enter into Restrictive Declarations to reflect 1 commitments specific to potential archaeological resources and 2 the implementation of Project Components Related to the Environmental PCREs and those mitigation measures necessary to mitigate any significant adverse impacts. The proposed actions would also include recordation of an E Designation E-548 related to hazardous materials, air quality, and noise, to commit future development of the rezoning area in accordance with any necessary conditions identified through the environmental review.
The DEIS assesses whether development resulting from the Proposed Actions could result in significant adverse environmental impacts.
The DEIS identifies potential significant adverse impacts related to transportation traffic, pedestrian and construction traffic and noise.
The DEIS identifies measures that would fully or partially mitigate certain impacts. These potential mitigation measures will be further explored between DEIS and FEIS and will be evaluated in the FEIS.
If the proposed mitigation measures are determined to be infeasible, the significant adverse impacts would remain unmitigated. The DEIS also identifies unavoidable significant adverse impacts. The DEIS considered three alternativesa No Action Alternative, a No Unmitigated Significant Adverse Impact Alternative, and the Lot 95
Exemption Alternative.
In addition, a technical memorandum Technical Memorandum 001
assessing whether the modifications to the Proposed Actions ULURP
No. C200061 A ZSM would alter the conclusions presented in the DEIS, is available on DCPs website. The analyses presented in Technical Memorandum 001, will be incorporated into the Final Environmental Impact Statement FEIS.
Copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Final Scope of Work for the proposed project, may be obtained from the Environmental Assessment and Review Division, New York City Department of City Planning, 120 Broadway, 31st Floor, New York, NY
10271, Olga Abinader, Director 212 720-3493; or from the Mayors Office of Environmental Coordination, 100 Gold Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10038, Hilary Semel, Director and General Counsel; and on the New York City Department of City Plannings website, at http

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that resolutions have been adopted by the City Planning Commission, scheduling a public hearing on the following matters to be held, at NYC City Planning Commission Hearing Room, Lower Concourse, 120 Broadway, New York, NY, on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, at 10:00 A.M.
No. 1
CD 4
C 190508 MMX
IN THE MATTER OF an application, submitted by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 199 of the New York City Charter and Section 5-430 et seq. of the New York City Administrative Code for an amendment to the City Map involving:

the elimination, discontinuance and closing of Exterior Street between the High Bridge and the Alexander Hamilton Bridge;

About this edition

Official Journal of the City of New York - November 20, 2019

TitleOfficial Journal of the City of New York

CountryUnited States


Page count28

Edition count4001

First edition05/03/2008

Last issue15/05/2024

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