Directory of Closed Schools in England

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Source: Department for Education
Updated March 2017.

Establishment nameClosure dateLocalityType of establishment
Waverley School31/08/2006SouthwarkCommunity SchoolVedi di più
Geoffrey Chaucer Technology College31/08/2008Community SchoolVedi di più
Warwick Park School31/08/2003Community SchoolVedi di più
Archbishop Michael Ramsey Technology College31/08/2007CamberwellVoluntary Aided SchoolVedi di più
Surrey Square School01/09/1997WalworthFoundation SchoolVedi di più
St Michael's Catholic College01/11/2012BermondseyVoluntary Aided SchoolVedi di più
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Secondary School01/11/2012Voluntary Aided SchoolVedi di più
Highway Christian School27/04/1999255 Tooley StreetOther Independent SchoolVedi di più
Alpha Community School At Springfield Methodist Church28/11/1997South LambethOther Independent SchoolVedi di più
Hope Primary School26/07/2006Wells WayOther Independent SchoolVedi di più
Southwark Small School01/05/1998East DulwichOther Independent SchoolVedi di più
Chrysolyte Independent Christian School17/09/2014Lansdowne PlaceOther Independent SchoolVedi di più
Bacon's College31/08/2007RotherhitheCity Technology CollegeVedi di più
Newlands School31/08/2013Peckham RyeCommunity Special SchoolVedi di più
Dromenagh School01/09/1996Iver HeathCommunity Special SchoolVedi di più
Elizabeth Landsbury Nursery School31/03/2002PoplarLA Nursery SchoolVedi di più
Culloden Primary School31/08/2013PoplarCommunity SchoolVedi di più
Harry Gosling Junior Mixed School01/09/1998Community SchoolVedi di più
Malmesbury Junior School31/08/2003Community SchoolVedi di più
Malmesbury Infant School31/08/2003BowCommunity SchoolVedi di più