Legally Operating Businesses in New York City

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This data set features businesses/individuals holding a DCA license so that they may legally operate in New York City. Note: Sightseeing guides and temporary street fair vendors are not included in this data set. (Updated: June 21, 2019)

Source: Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA)

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Jssg Corp - Legally Operating Businesses in New York City

Secondary Address Street NameSymphony JSSG Corp
Address CityNEW YORK
Address StateNY
Address Zip10075
Contact Phone Number2127346782
Address BoroughManhattan
Borough Code1
Community Board108
Council District4
Census Tract128
DetailLaundry Type: Retail Laundry
Location(40.772579386407095, -73.9585491962928)
Dca License Number2067490-DCA
License TypeBusiness
License Expiration Date12/31/2019
License StatusActive
License Creation Date3/8/2018
Business NameJSSG Corp
Business Name 2Symphony JSSG
Address Building1336
Address Street Name3RD AVE
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