Attorney Registrations - California

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This database contains contact information for active and inactive attorneys registered with The State Bar of California (an entity Dateas is not affiliated to).

If you are interested in a particular attorney's status please contact The State Bar of California for official and updated information.

Source: The State Bar of California - July, 2022 -.


Aaronoff , Steven James - Attorney Registrations - California

Aaronoff , Steven James is in the Attorney Registrations in California with an Active License Status.

Info as of July, 2022. Please check this information with The State Bar of California (an entity Dateas is not affiliated to).
License StatusActive
Administrative Action
Name Of The AttorneyAaronoff , Steven James
CityBeverly Hills
Admission DateJune 1992
AddressAddress: 9461 Charleville Blvd, Ste 259, Beverly Hills, CA 90212-3017

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