Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - July 17, 2013

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Source: Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago




WHEREAS, Ms. Clark and Ms. Baggett then took the boy to their car, where they called 911
and briefly followed the man until they could get a detailed description to convey to the police;
and WHEREAS, Ms. Clark and Ms. Baggett then brought the boy to his sisters house, returning him safely to his family and receiving their tremendous gratitude; and WHEREAS, Shortly afterwards, the Chicago Police caught the man nearby, in the 7000
block of South Carpenter Street, after officers were sent a message with Ms. Clark and Ms. Baggetts clear description; and WHEREAS, Thanks to the keen sense of awareness, quick thinking, and bravery in the face of danger of these two City of Chicago employees, the man is in custody and the boy is free from harm; and WHEREAS, Ms. Clark and Ms. Baggetts actions went well above and beyond their call of duty, and epitomize the strength of Chicagoans when confronted with a perilous situation, especially when the well-being of our children is at stake; now, therefore, Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this 17th day of July 2013, do hereby honor Mary Baggett and Alfreda Clark of the City of Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation for their courageous rescue of an innocent boy from the hands of a would-be kidnapper; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Mary Baggett and Alfreda Clark, and placed on permanent record in their personnel files, as a token of our appreciation and esteem.

On motion of Alderman Burke, seconded by Aldermen Fioretti, Dowell, Harris, Pope, Balcer, Thomas, Suarez, Mell, Austin, Mitts, Cullerton and Laurino, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted by a viva voce vote.
At this point in the proceedings, the Honorable Rahm Emanuel, Mayor, rose and on behalf of the people of Chicago, extended appreciation to Department of Streets and Sanitation workers Alfreda Clark and Mary Baggett for their caring and conscientious actions in coming to the aid of a young boy in fear for his safety. Praising Ms. Clark and Ms. Baggett for their willingness to become involved in a potentially dangerous situation, Mayor Emanuel declared them not only true public servants but examples for all Chicagoans of our individual and collective responsibility for the safety of our children. Providing safe passage for our children to and from school allows students to reflect on their studies and not their safety, the Mayor observed, and through passage of legislation today we move closer to that goal. Citing the harsher penalties imposed for violations concerning assault weapons and student safe passage routes as a mechanism for change, Mayor Emanuel noted the importance each of us play in eradicating the scourge of guns and violence in our neighborhoods and called upon Chicagoans in every community to replace the code of silence with a moral code and code of conduct. Mayor Emanuel then invited Alfreda Clark and Mary Baggett to the Mayors rostrum where he presented each with a parchment copy of the congratulatory resolution.

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Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - July 17, 2013

TitoloJournal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago

PaeseStati Uniti


Conteggio pagine31

Numero di edizioni765

Prima edizione20/07/1981

Ultima edizione31/05/2023

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