Federal Register - August 7, 1959

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Source: Federal Register


F riday, A u g u st 7, 1959

25 CFR

173-------------- ------------------------- 6342

32 CFR

56__________ ----------
1006 _
1007 ______________________


38 CFR


43 CFR

412_____________ ________ __ i 6343

47 CFR
3_ __________
7 __________________________
8 __________________________
Proposed rules:


50 CFR
Proposed rules:


ning August 1, 1959, which assessment rate is hereby fixed as each handlers pro rata share of the aforesaid expenses.
I t is hereby further found th at good cause exists for not postponing the effec tive date hereof until 30 days after publication in the F ederal R egister 5 U.S.C. 1001-1011 in that: 1 The handling or certification of dates occurs from the beginning of a crop year; 2
under the amended marketing agree ment and order the assessment applies to all dates handled .or certified for handling or for further processing dur ing a crop year, and the 1959-60 crop -year begins August 1, 1959; 3 the rate of assessment fixed hereby should be effective as soon as possible after July 31, 1959, to enable the Date Administra tive Committee to bill handlers for, and for the handlers to pay, their assess ments currently as the dates are so handled or certified and thus minimize the quantity of dates on which the assessments would accumulate for pay ment in the future; 4 the aforesaid notice was issued as soon as crop fore casts and other information were avail able on which reasonable estimates of the committees expenses and a rate of assessment could be determined and fixed; 5 compliance with this action will require no advance preparation on the part of handlers; and 6 in these circumstances, postponing the effective date hereof beyond the date of publica tion in the F ederal Register would serve no usef ul purpose.


A m endm ent
1. Section 502.1a is hereby amended to read as follows:
a Sections 502.1 to 502.31 shall be applicable solely to title and debt claims.

A m endm ent
502 .2 1 Proposed findings and conclu sions.

At the close of the reception of evi dence before the Hearing Examiner or within a reasonable time thereafter, to be fixed by the Hearing Examiner, any party may, and if directed by the Hear ing Examiner shall, submit to the Hear ing Examiner proposed findings and conclusions together with a brief in sup port thereof. Such proposals shall be in writing and shall contain appropriate references to the record. Copies thereof shall be served on all parties. Reply briefs may be filed with the permission of the Hearing Examiner within a rea sonable time to be fixed by him. As far as practicable the procedure shall be Miscellaneous Amendments followed of having claimants brief filed P art 502 of this chapter sets forth the first followed by the brief of the Chief rules of procedure of the Office of Alien of the Trial Section with any reply briefs Property applicable to claims under sec filed in the same order.
tions 9a, 32 and 34 ofthe Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended 50 5 0 2 .2 0 2 A m endm ent U.S.C. App. 1 et seq. and under sections 4. Section 502.202c is hereby 207 and 208 of the International Claims amended to read as follows:
Settlement Act of 1949, as amended 22
c Where the Chief of the Claims U.S.C. 1631. Incident to TeorganizaAdministration concludes for tional changes in the functionsof the any reason th at Section he cannot Office of Alien Property made as of July allowance of a claim against arecommend particular 1, 1959, P art 502 was republished with amendments 24 F.R. 5525, July 9,1959. debtors insolvent estate, he may refer Through inadvertence the following er the claim to the Chief of the Trial Sec rors appear in this republication of the tion and the latter shall docket it for hearing. At such hearing any other rules:
1 Section 502.1a should refer toclaimant against the particular debtors 502.1 through 502.31 rather than to insolvent estate may file an application to be heard in accordance with the pro 502.2 through 502.32,

a Expenses. E x p e n s e s in the amount of $39,735 are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Date Admin istrative Committee for its maintenance and functioning during the crop year beginning August 1, 1959.
b Rate of assessment. Each handler shall pay to the Date Administrative Committee, in accordance with the pro visions of Marketing AgreemenVNo. 127, as amended, and this part, an assess ment at the rate of 15 cents per hundred weight of dates which he handles or has certified for handling or for further Processing during the crop year begin
2 Section 502.2e should read in form published April 17, 1957 22 F.R.
2656 rather than as republished, 3 Section 502.21 should refer to the Chief of the Trial Section rather than to the Chief of the Claims Administra tion Section, and 4 Section 502.202c should state th at the Chief of the Claims Administra tion Section may refer claims described therein to the Chief .of the Trial Sec tion rather than th at he shall do so.
Since necessary corrective amendments are procedural, neither notice nor hear ing thereon is required by statute. Ac cordingly, these sections are hereby amended to read as set forth below:

2. Section 502.2e is hereby amended to read as follows:
e The term title claim means a claim under section 9a of the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, filed more than two years after the date of vesting in or transfer to the Alien Prop erty Custodian or Attorney General of the property or interest in respect of which the claim is made, or a claim under section 32 of th at Act, as amended, or under section 207b of the Interna tional Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as Secs. 1-19, 48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U.S.C.
3. Section 502.21 is hereby amended Dated August 4, 1959, to become effec tive upon publication in the Federal to read as follows:

Date Administrative Committee for the 1959-60 crop year and the fixings of a rate of assessment for that year, in ac cordance with the recommendations of the committee. Such actions would be pursuant to the provisions of Marketing Agreement No. 127, as amended, and Or der No. 103, as amended 7 CFR Part 1003, regulating the handling of do mestic dates produced or packed in a designated area of California. The said amended marketing agreement and or der are effective under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as R egister.
S. R. Smith, amended 7 U.S.C. 601-674. In said Director, notice, interested persons were afforded Fruit and Vegetable Division.
the opportunity to file written data, views or arguments with respect to the F.R. Doc. 59-6511; Filed, Aug. 6, 1959;
proposals. No such comment was re 8:47 a.m.
ceived within the prescribed time.
After consideration of all relevant matters presented including the afore said notice, the information and recom mendation submitted by the committee, and other available information it is hereby found and determined and, there Chapter II Office of Alien Property, fore, ordered, th at the expenses of the Department of Justice Date Administrative Committee and the rate of assessment for the crop year be PART 502 RULES OF PROCEDURE
ginning August 1, 1959, shall be as FOR CLAIMS
1003.304 Expenses o f the D ate Ad ministrative Committee and rate o f assessment for the 19596 0 crop year.


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Federal Register - August 7, 1959

TitoloFederal Register

PaeseStati Uniti


Conteggio pagine56

Numero di edizioni7306

Prima edizione14/03/1936

Ultima edizione17/06/2024

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