Health Care Facilities in California

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Here you can find all the California healthcare facilities that are operational and have a current license issued by the California Department of Public Health and/or a current U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) certification. (Source: Center for Health Care Quality, California Department of Public Health. 2018. HealthcareFacilities-California_2018-09-05-CA-CDPH).

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Eden Care Center, Inc. - Health Care Facilities in California

Facility Administrator's Fax Number(323) 588-3336
Facility Administrator's Phone Number(323) 588-3337
District Office That Oversees The FacilityLA HHA/HOSPICE
License Number550003709
Initial License Date28-Oct-16
License Effective Date28-Oct-18
License Expiration Date27-Oct-19
Street Number7616
Local Health Jurisdiction NameLOS ANGELES
Fips County Code037
Facility Identification #630016339
Health Care Facility NameEDEN CARE CENTER, INC.
Capacity (Number Or Licensed Beds)68
Address7616 PACIFIC BLVD.
Facility AdministratorFOGEL, ELINA

Your comments on this health care facility:

--- - 2021-08-04 23:55:12

For the acuity of the patients there’s not enough staff. They are constantly having to be reminded to buy food for the kids they have on the floor. The food they buy is from the 99 cent store and most of the kids don’t like it. So the nurses feel bad sometimes and either buy food for the kids like takeout or bring stuff from home. Keeping up with the laundry is something else that needs to be done because sometimes it doesn’t get done. Supplies are constantly gone. Schedule is a constant change. They just bring kids on the floor and don’t account for the staffing. CEO, seems clueless on how nursing should work. If anything ask the administrator she may know more. The floors are dirty even though they have a cleaning crew. There are days when lunch is impossible. Some parents expectations are unrealistic and the CEO doesn’t want to explain to them that much because she fears that she’ll lose the patient. She’ll cater to one of the parents because she fears she’ll lose them. There’s not a system in place. Big kids are with the small kids sometimes because of staffing issues. Toys are mainly for the younger kids. So that means the older kids are bored. Which can cause tension. Literally you may have 12-16 kids…all have needs and not enough of one Lvn to go around but you try to make do. A SNF is more organized then this place, good luck to whoever works there!

Great opportunity to learn how not to run a medical facility. They don’t know how to run anything. Better off keeping your kids in a home health care setting. They have floor Mats for some kids who aren’t ambulatory, if they are cleaned…better hope the right staff is there to clean them. The toys aren’t cleaned. Many kids put toys in there mouth and they aren’t cleaned afterwards. They don’t have the staff to provide that much attention to the smallest detail. Kids will come with cold and they play with the other kids…so if your kid comes home with a cold that’s why. If your kid is nonambulatory and nonverbal good luck for them, they may not get the attention they need. It’s sad because the place has so much potential but the CEO doesn’t know what she’s doing.

They say they need a live scan but there’s a nurse there that hasn’t had one…so are they really checking who’s working with the kids.

This place is a mess but if your desperate, that’s your place for nursing services.

Good luck!!!

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