List of Candidates of the 2016 Wisconsin Elections

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Gain access to the list of all the candidates to the elections in Wisconsin (US) in 2016.
You will find each candidate name. political party, district and post.

Source: Wisconsin Elections Commission

CandidatePolitical PartyJurisdiction
Rubio, MarcoRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Carson, BenRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Paul, RandRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Huckabee, MikeRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Gilmore, JimRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Christie, ChrisRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Trump, Donald J.RepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Santorum, RickRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Fiorina, CarlyRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Kasich, John R,RepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Bush, JebRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Cruz, TedRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Delegation, UninstructedRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Williams, VictorRepublicanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Clinton, HillaryDemocratSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
O'malley, MartinDemocratSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Sanders, BernieDemocratSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Delegation, UninstructedDemocratSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Kloppenburg, Joanne FishmanSTATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus
Bradley, Rebecca G.STATE OF WISCONSINVoir plus