Legally Operating Businesses in New York City

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This data set features businesses/individuals holding a DCA license so that they may legally operate in New York City. Note: Sightseeing guides and temporary street fair vendors are not included in this data set. (Updated: June 21, 2019)

Source: Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA)

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Pizza 84 Llc - Legally Operating Businesses in New York City

Address CityNEW YORK
Address StateNY
Address Zip10024
Contact Phone Number5165129867
Address BoroughManhattan
Borough Code1
Community Board107
Council District6
Census Tract169
DetailSidewalk Cafe Type: Unenclosed, Square Feet: , Tables: 9, Chairs: 20
Location(40.78587442132867, -73.97632560525271)
Dca License Number2086172-DCA
License TypeBusiness
License Expiration Date12/15/2021
License StatusInactive
License Creation Date5/20/2019
IndustrySidewalk Cafe
Business NamePIZZA 84 LLC
Address Building483
Address Street NameAMSTERDAM AVE
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