Much Money - CUIT 30-71240054-0

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Raison SocialeMUCH MONEY

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Informations du Journal Officiel de la République Argentine

Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires del 24/10/2014 (Anexo) - Page 536

superlatives Better than! worse than! the best! the worst The future with will People will travel in super-fast planes Will they go back to Australia? Time markers: the future on Monday! next weeki in a month's time! this evening! soon! later Expressing quantity How much time have we got? We haven't got much money somel any Have you got any newspapers? Infinitive of purpose • • • • • I turned on the TV to watch sports We went in the boat to see the dolphins Howoften ... ? I watch TV once! twice a week Present Perfect: affirmative • • He's put the books on the shelves Present Perfect: questions, answers and negatives • • • Have you seen my new speakers? Yes, I have! No, I haven't Present Perfect: ever N° 536 IF-2014-04276858- -DGCLEI pagina 44 de 67 ... En savoir plus

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