Federal Register - November 7, 1959

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Source: Federal Register

Part I I begins on page 9095



1 934



Washington, Saturday, November 7, 7959

Chapter III Farmers Home Adminis tration, Department of Agriculture SUBCHAPTER E ACCOUNT SERVICING
F H A I n s t r u c t i o n 451.5

Subpart B Payment in Full and Re financing of Insured Farm Owner ship Loans PART 366 PAYMENT IN FULL
Subpart C Insured Farm Ownership Loans Subpart B, Part 361, Title 6, Code of Federal Regulations 21 F.R. 5555, 22
F.R. 1, 10885, 23 F U . 3371 is revoked and the regulations contained therein are redesignated as Part 366, Subpart C, Insured Farm Ownership Loans, and are revised to read as follows :


G e n e r a l.
P a y m e n t in f u ll fro m b o r r o w e r s f u n d s , r e f i n a n c i n g b y a n e w le n d e r o n a n o n in s u r e d b a s is , a n d s a le o f f a r m o u t s id e p r o g r a m e x c e p t w h e n h o ld e r fin a n c e s p u r c h a s e r .
P a y m e n t in f u l l b y re fin a n c in g w it h h o ld e r o n a n o n in s u r e d b a s is , o r b y s a le o f f a r m o u t s id e t h e p r o g r a m t o p e r s o n o b t a i n i n g a n o n in s u r e d lo a n f r o m h o ld e r .

A u t h o r it y : 366.41 t o 366.43 is s u e d u n
der sec. 41, 50 S t a t . 528, a s a m e n d e d , sec. 12, 60 S ta t. 1076, a s a m e n d e d , sec. 18, 72 S t a t .
840; 7 U .S .C . 1015, 1005b, 1006e; O r d e r o f A c t
ing Sec. o f A g r ic ., 19 F .R . 74, 22 FJR. 8188.
A d d itio n a l a u t h o r it y is c it e d i n p a r e n t h e s e s fo llo w in g t h e se c tio n s a ffe c te d .



Sections 366.41 to 366.43 prescribe the authorities, policies, and procedures for processing final payment o f insured Farm Ownership loans except those loans which are paid in full by making a sub sequent insured Farm Ownership loan and insured loans held by the insurance fund. Payment in full o f an insured Farm Ownership loan by refinancing with a subsequent Farm Ownership loan No. 219 pt. r----1

This issue includes two parts bound together. Part I I contains Parts 101 and 102 of Title 29, issued by the National Labor Relations Board.

Agricultural Marketing Service Notices:
Chattanooga Union S t o c k Yards: petition for modifica tion of rate order____________
Rules and regulations:
Limitations of handling:
Lemons grown in California and Arizona_______________
Oranges, navel, grown in. A ri zona and designated part of California______________
Potatoes, Irish, grown in the Red River Valley of North Dakota and Minnesota______


will be accomplished in accordance with Part 333 of this chapter. Payment in 9080
full of an insured Farm Ownership loan held by the insurance fund other than with a subsequent Farm Ownership loan 9079
will be accomplished in accordance with 366.1 to 366.5. For the purposes of this subpart, the terms lender and 9080
holder mean the current holder of the insured note and, when applicable, also Agricultural Research Service the insured mortgage and related instru Proposed rule making :
Anti-hog-cholera serum and a Escrow arrangements. Escrow hog-cholera virus, handling__ 9084
arrangements may be used provided the Rules and regulations:
escrow agent is properly bonded. No Brucellosis in domestic animals;
escrow arrangement will be initiated by miscellaneous amendments__ 9080
the Farmers Home Administration and Agriculture Department no part of the expense fo r an escrow ar rangement will be paid by the Govern See Agricultural Marketing Serv ice; Agricultural Research Serv ment.
ice; Commodity Stabilization b Special restrictions. Tbfe BankService ; Farmers Home Admin head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as amend istration.
ed, and the security instrument or note taken in connection with each insured Civil Service Commission Farm Ownership loan provide that, with Rules and regulations:
out the consent of the Government, no Geophysicist; formal educa final payment of an insured Farm tional requirements_____ ____ 9076
Ownership loan will be accepted, nor release o f mortgagees interest made, in Commodity Stabilization Service less than five years from the date of Rules and regulations :
the mortgage relating to the loan. I t is Soil bank; conservation reserve further provided that the farm or any program for 1956 through interest therein may not be sold without 1959 2 documents______ 9075, 9076
consent of the Government and, when Farmers Home Administration applicable, the consent of the holder.
Subject to the policies and procedures Rules and regulations:
Direct farm ownership, other prescribed in this Subpart, the County real estate and farm housing Supervisor is authorized, on behalf o f accounts; and insured farm the Government, to execute instruments ownership accounts held by of satisfaction, release, or consent in con the insurance fund__________
nection with the payment in full of an Payment in full and refinanc insured Farm Ownership loan or sale of ing of insured farm ownership the farm of an insured Farm Ownership loans_________________________ 9071
c Loan insurance charge fo r loans Federal Aviation Agency evidenced by Form FHA-240, Promis Proposed rule making :
sory Note, or Form FHA-360, PromisAirworthiness directives; Doug C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t p a g e
las DC-6 aircraft___________

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Federal Register - November 7, 1959

TitreFederal Register



Page count48

Edition count7288

Première édition14/03/1936

Dernière édition29/04/2024

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