England Schools Directory

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Information on all schools in England including local authority maintained schools, academies, free schools, studio schools, university technical colleges and independent schools. The information includes address, school type and phone number.

Source: Department for Education
Updated March 2017.

Establishment namePhase of educationLocalityType of establishment
Sir John Cass's Foundation Primary SchoolPrimaryDuke's PlaceVoluntary Aided SchoolVer Más
City of London School for GirlsNot applicableBarbicanOther Independent SchoolVer Más
St Paul's Cathedral SchoolNot applicableOther Independent SchoolVer Más
City of London SchoolNot applicableOther Independent SchoolVer Más
Thomas Coram CentreNurseryLA Nursery SchoolVer Más
CCfL Key Stage 4 PRUNot applicablePupil Referral UnitVer Más
Camden Primary Pupil Referral UnitNot applicable74 Stanhope StreetPupil Referral UnitVer Más
Argyle Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Beckford Primary SchoolPrimaryWest HampsteadCommunity SchoolVer Más
Brecknock Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Brookfield Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Carlton Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Edith Neville Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Fleet Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Hawley Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Netley Primary School & Centre for AutismPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
New End Primary SchoolPrimaryHampsteadCommunity SchoolVer Más
Primrose Hill SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Rhyl Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más
Richard Cobden Primary SchoolPrimaryCommunity SchoolVer Más

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