Federal Register - January 30, 1960

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Fuente: Federal Register

Saturday, January 30, 1960

type 37 tobacco for the 1960-61 mar keting year,
CONTENTS Continued Securities and Exchange Commission Continued NoticesContinued Hearings, etc.Continued Skiatron Electronics and Television Corp___ ______
Texas Gulf Sulphur Co_------Textron, Inc_______________
Wheelabrator Corp__________


7 2 6 .1 1 0 6
7 2 5 .1 1 0 6

7 2 5 .1 1 0 7

Treasury Department See Coast Guard.


7 2 5 .1 1 0 8

A num erical l i s t o f t h e p a r ts o f th e Code of Federal R eg u la tio n s a ffe c te d by d o c u m e n ts published in th is issu e . P ro p o sed r u le s, a s opposed to fin a l a c tio n s , a re id e n tifie d a s such.
A Cum ulative C o d ifica tio n G u id e co v erin g the current m o n th a p p ea rs a t th e en d o f ea ch issue beginning w ith th e seco n d issu e o f th e month.

7 2 5 .1 1 0 9


6 ----------------------------29----------------------------

725_________ ____ _____________

rjrj 776
rjrjrj 778

Proposed ru le s :

992----- ------- -------------930---------965_______
1018 :______ ______________


14 CFR


42------------ ---------------------------------------


507: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -
699 _


Proposed ru le s :

Mi ftS? ?A 0cumentsV----- 812, 813, 815
W1 4 documents------------814, 815

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16 CFR
13 2 documents _____ 795 796

24 CFR

46 CFR



172 8 documents 803-805

47 CFR


Proposed r u l e s

7 8
7----- ------------------ ---lol ---------------U_
4 9 CFR" -


" o v o s e t r u le s :


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B a s is a n d p u rp o se .
F in d in g s a n d d e te r m in a tio n s w ith r e s p e c t to t h e n a tio n a l m a r k e t in g q u o ta fo r fire -c u re d ty p e 2 1 to b a c c o fo r t h e m a rk e tin g y e a r b e g in n in g O c to b e r 1, 1960.
F in d in g s a n d d e te r m in a tio n s w ith re s p e c t t o t h e n a tio n a l m a r k e t in g q u o ta fo r fire -c u re d ty p es 2 2 , 23 a n d 2 4 to b a c c o fo r th e m a r k e tin g y ear b e g in n in g O c to
b e r 1 ,1 9 6 0 .
F in d in g s a n d d e te r m in a tio n s w ith r e s p e c t to th e n a tio n a l m a r k e t in g q u o ta fo r d a rk a ir-c u re d to b a c c o yl o r t h e m a rk e tin g y e ar b e g in n in g O c to b e r 1, 1960.
F in d in g s an d d e te r m in a tio n s w ith r e s p e c t to th e n a tio n a l m a r k e t in g q u o ta fo r V irg in ia s u n -c u re d to b a c c o fo r t h e m a rk e tin g y e a r b e g in n in g O c to b e r 1, 1960.

Au t h o r it y : 7 25.1105 to 725.1109 issu ed u n d e r 773
sec. 375, 52 S t a t . 66, 7 .S.C . 1375. I n
te r p r e t o r a p p ly secs. 301, 312, 313, 52 S t a t .
3 8 , a s a m en d ed ; 4 6 , as am en d ed ; 47, as a m en d ed ; 7 U .S.C . 1301, 1312, 1313.

725.1105 Basis and purpose.
a Sections 725.1105 to 725.1109 are issued 1 to establish the reserve supply level and the total supply of fire-cured type 21 tobacco, fire-cured types 22, 23 and 24 tobacco, dark air-cured to bacco, and Virginia sun-cured tobacco, respectively, for the marketing year be ginning October 1,1959; 2 to announce the amounts of the national marketing quotas for fire-cured type 21 tobacco, fire-cured types 22, 23 and 24 tobacco, dark air-cured tobacco, and Virginia sun-cured tobacco for the marketing year beginning October 1, 1960; and 3
to apportion such national marketing quotas for the 1960-61 marketing year among the several States. The findings and determinations contained in 725.1106 to 725.1109 have been made on the basis of the latest available sta tistics of the Federal Government, and after due consideration of the data, views, and recommendations received from fire-cured, dark air-cured, and Vir ginia sun-cured tobacco producers and others, as provided in a notice 24 F.R.
8237 given in accordance with the Ad ministrative Procedure Act 5 U.S.C.
b Since fire-cured, dark air-cured, and Virginia sun-cured tobacco growers are making plans for their 1960 farming operations, it is hereby found th at com pliance with the 30-day effective date provisions of the Administrative Proce dure Act is impracticable and contrary to the public interest. Therefore, the announcements and apportionments of the national marketing quotas for firecured type 21 tobacco, fire-cured types 22, 23 and 24> tobacco, dark aircured type 21 tobacco, fire-cured tobacco contained herein shall become effective upon the date of filing with the Director, Division of the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r .

725.1196 Findings and determinations with respect to the amount of the national marketing quota ..for firecured type 21 tobacco for the mar keting year beginning October 1, 1960.
a R eserve supply level.1 The re serve supply level for fire-cured type 21
tobacco is 28,586,000 pounds calculated as provided in the Agricultural Adjust ment Act of 1938, as amended, from a normal years domestic consumption of 6.300.000 pounds and a normal years exports of 6,000,000 pounds.
b T otal supply. The total supply of fire-cured type 21 tobacco for the m ar keting year beginning October 1, 1959
is 33,317,000 pounds consisting of carry over of 22,537,000 pounds and estimated 1959 production of 10,780,000 pounds, c C arry-over. The estimated carry over of fire-cured type 21 tobacco at the beginning of the marketing year for such tobacco beginning October 1, 1960
is 19,816,000 pounds calculated by sub tracting the estimated disappearance for the marketing year beginning October 1, 1959 of 13,501,000 pounds from the total supply of such tobacco.
d N ational m arketin g quota. The amount of fire-cured type 21 tobacco Which will make available during the marketing year beginning October 1, 1960, a supply of fire-cured type 21
tobacco equal to the reserve supply level of such tobacco is 8,770,000 pounds and a national marketing quota of such amount is hereby announced. I t is de termined, however, th at a national m ar keting quota in the amount of 8,770,000
pounds would result in undue restriction of marketings during the 1960-61 m ar keting year and such amount is hereby increased by 20 percent to 10,524,000
pounds. Pursuant to Public Law 85-705
this increased quota is further increased to 11,771,000 pounds.
Therefore, the amount of the national marketing quota for fire-cured type 21 tobacco in terms .of the total quantity of such tobacco which may be marketed during the m ar keting year beginning October 1, 1960, is 11.771.000 pounds.
e A pportionm ent o f th e quota.
Since fire-cured type 21 tobacco is grown only in the State of Virginia, the quota is apportioned only to that State under section 313a of the Agricul tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended.
The national marketing quota less 29,427 pounds reserved for establishing allotments for new farms, becomes the State marketing quota for Virginia. The S ta te marketing quota is hereby converted in accordance with sec tion 313g of the Act into a State acreage allotment of 9,109.06 acres.
Likewise, the reserve of 29,427 pounds for establishing allotments for new farms is hereby converted into 22.83 acres.
725.1107 Findings and determinations with respect to the national market ing quota for fire-cured types 22, 23 and 24 tohacco for the market ing year beginning October 1, 1960.
a R eserve supply level.1 The re serve supply level for fire-cured types 1 R o u n d e d to t h e n e a r e s t th o u s a n d p o u n d s, e x c e p t in 7 2 5 .1 1 0 6 e .
2 R o u n d e d to t h e n e a r e s t t e n t h o f a m illio n p o u n d s, e x c e p t f o r t h e In c r e a se p u r s u a n t to .sec. 3 1 2 b o f th e A c t a n d th e n a tio n a l q u o ta .

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Federal Register - January 30, 1960

TítuloFederal Register

PaísEstados Unidos de América


Nro. de páginas64

Nro. de ediciones7288

Primera edición14/03/1936

Ultima edición29/04/2024

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