Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires del 24/10/2014 (Anexo)

Versión en texto ¿Qué es?Dateas es un sitio independiente no afiliado a entidades gubernamentales. La fuente de los documentos PDF aquí publicados es la entidad gubernamental indicada en cada uno de ellos. Las versiones en texto son transcripciones no oficiales que realizamos para facilitar el acceso y la búsqueda de información, pero pueden contener errores o no estar completas.

Fuente: Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Anexo)

N 4508 - 24/10/2014

Separata del Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Past Simple: irregular verbs with negatives

We didnt go to school Past Simple: irregular verbs with questions

Did they go to the museum?
What did you see?
Possessive Pronouns

W hose jacket is it?
Its mine! yours! his! hers! its! ours! theirs Adverbs: + Iy and irregular

He ran slowly. They played well Have tol had to We have to go back to the roundabout Giving directions Go straight on at the roundabout Whyl because

Why are we at this petrol station? Because
Comparatives and superlatives: long adjectives
rv1y bed is more comfortable than this one Irregular comparatives and superlatives Better than! worse than! the best! the worst The future with will People will travel in super-fast planes Will they go back to Australia?
Time markers: the future on Monday! next weeki in a months time! this evening! soon! later Expressing quantity How much time have we got?
We havent got much money somel any Have you got any newspapers?
Infinitive of purpose

I turned on the TV to watch sports We went in the boat to see the dolphins Howoften ?
I watch TV once! twice a week Present Perfect: affirmative

Hes put the books on the shelves Present Perfect: questions, answers and negatives

Have you seen my new speakers?
Yes, I have! No, I havent Present Perfect: ever
N 536

IF-2014-04276858- -DGCLEI

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Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires del 24/10/2014 (Anexo)

TítuloBoletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Anexo)



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