Record of Road traffic accidents in England during 2015

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Get information about the road accidents across the County of Leeds. Data includes: location, number of people and vehicles involved, road surface, weather conditions and severity of the casualties.

Source: Leeds City Council


21R0702 - Record of Road traffic accidents in England during 2015

Sex Of CasualtyFemale
Age Of Casualty33
Type Of VehicleCar
Grid Ref: Easting430064
Grid Ref: Northing434407
Reference Number21R0702
Casualty ClassPassenger
Number Of Vehicles2
Accident Date27-Jan-15
Time (24Hr)1317
1St Road ClassUnclassified
Road SurfaceWet / Damp
Lighting ConditionsDaylight: street lights present
Weather ConditionsFine without high winds
Casualty SeveritySlight

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