Patent Agents and Attorneys

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The listings contain contact information for attorneys and agents with licenses to practice before the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Currently, there are 12014 active agents and 35243 active attorneys.

Information concerning a patent practitioner''s status as an attorney is based on records provided to the Office of Enrollment and Discipline and might not reflect the practitioner''s status in a State Bar. Individuals interested in a practitioner''s status in a State Bar should contact that State Bar for specific information.

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office website - June, 22, 2019


Aaker - Patent Agents and Attorneys

Last NameAaker
Middle NameA
Street Address300 Berry St Unit 1009
CitySan Francisco
Postal Code94158
Phone Number408-857-4329
Registration Number32667
Attorney/agent/government Employee StatusATTORNEY

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