Guide to Charities in Ireland

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Here you will find the most complete data about all the charities in Ireland.
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Source: Charities Regulator of Ireland


Cat And Dog Protection Association Of Ireland - Guide to Charities in Ireland

Report StatusSubmitted
Report Due Date31/10/2015
Report SizeMedium
Report Governing FormCompany Limited by Guarantee
ActivitiesAnimal welfare
BeneficiariesAnimal welfare / Unemployed/low income
NameCat and Dog Protection Association of Ireland
Registered Charity Number20018627
Place Of BusinessCarmichael Centre, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7, Ireland.
Governing FormCompany Limited by Guarantee
Is Education BodyNo
Cro Number151311
Country EstablishedIreland
Charitable Purpose, Prevention or relief of suffering of animals
Charitable ObjectsTo promote, provide for and improve the welfare of domestic and feral cats as well as that of other animals. To prevent cruelty to all animals. To reduce the number of stray and unwanted cats kittens and other animals by advocating and encouraging spaying

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