Official Journal of the City of New York - March 4, 2020

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Source: Official Journal of the City of New York



Q-2: Flushing Waterfront, in the Special Flushing Waterfront District, as set forth in Section 62-952 127-50 Flushing Waterfront Access Plan Q-3: Newtown Creek, in the Special Southern Hunters Point District, as set forth in Section 125-46 Newtown Creek Waterfront Access Plan.


Subdistricts In order to carry out the provisions of this Chapter, three subdistricts, Subdistrict A, Subdistrict B and Subdistrict C, are established.
The location and boundaries of these subdistricts are shown on Map 1 Special Flushing Waterfront District and Subdistricts in the Appendix to this Chapter.

Waterfront Access Plan Q-2: Downtown Flushing
NOTE: existing provisions moved to Section 127-50

For purposes of this Chapter, matter in italics is defined in Section 12-10 and within this Section, except where explicitly stated otherwise in individual provisions in this Chapter.


Conceptual plan

Chapter 7
Special Flushing Waterfront District All text in this Chapter is new text 127-00
The Special Flushing Waterfront District established in this Resolution is designed to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare. These general goals include, among others, the following specific purposes:
a to enhance neighborhood economic diversity by broadening the range of housing choices for residents of varied incomes;
b to create a lively and attractive built environment that will provide amenities and services for the use and enjoyment of area residents, workers and visitors;
c to encourage well-designed development that complements the pedestrian experience and enhances the built character of the neighborhood;
d to establish and maintain physical and visual public access to and along Flushing Creek;
f to make use of the waterfront by providing public access via private street network, direct connections to the water and to promote coordinated redevelopment of the area in a manner consistent with waterfront access and internal circulation within the Special District; and g to promote the most desirable use of land and building development in accordance with the District Plan for Downtown Flushing and thus conserve the value of land and buildings and thereby improve the Citys tax revenues.
General Provisions The provisions of this Chapter shall apply within the Special Flushing Waterfront District. The regulations of all other Chapters of this Resolution are applicable, except as superseded, supplemented or modified by the provisions of this Chapter. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and other regulations of this Resolution, the provisions of this Chapter shall control unless expressly stated otherwise.
District Plan and Maps In order to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Chapter, district maps are located in the Appendix to this Chapter and are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Resolution. They are incorporated for the purpose of specifying locations where special regulations and requirements, as set forth in the text of this Chapter, apply.
Map 1:

Special Flushing Waterfront District and Subdistricts
Map 2:

Publicly Accessible Private Street Network
Map 3:

Requirements Along Street Frontages
Map 4:

Waterfront Access Plan: Parcel Designation
Map 5:

Waterfront Access Plan: Visual Corridors
Map 6:

Waterfront Access Plan: Public Access Areas
Map 7:
Waterfront Access Plan: Phase I Waterfront Public Access Improvements Map 8:
Waterfront Access Plan: Phase II Waterfront Public Access Improvements
A conceptual plan is a plan that sets forth the proposed final design, in compliance with the requirements of Section 127-421 Requirements for publicly accessible private streets, for the remaining portions of the publicly accessible private street or upland connection certified pursuant to paragraph b1i of Section 127-422 Certification for publicly accessible private streets, or paragraph a1i of Section 127-542 Supplemental provisions, respectively. The plan shall include the proposed location, dimensions and grading for such remaining portions on adjoining zoning lots and shall be considered by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission in reviewing the proposed final site plan for such remaining portions, if and when they become the subject of a certification pursuant to paragraph b2
of Section 127-422 or paragraph a2 of Section 127-542.
Final site plan A final site plan is a plan that specifies the final design for the location, dimensions, and grading of all or portions of the publicly accessible private streets or upland connection that are the subject of a certification pursuant to paragraphs a or b of Section 127-422
or paragraphs a1 or a2 of Section 127-542. Where applicable, the design of such plan shall be consistent with any conceptual plan for the same portion of the publicly accessible private street or upland connection and, once certified and implemented in accordance with paragraph b of Section 127-422 or paragraph a of Section 127-542, such plan shall supersede any interim plan for the same portion of a publicly accessible private street or upland connection.
Interim site plan An interim site plan is a plan that specifies, for an interim period, the design for the location, dimensions, and grading of portions of the publicly accessible private street or upland connection that are the subject of a certification pursuant to paragraph b1 of Section 127-422 or paragraph a1 of Section 127-542 and located on the applicants zoning lot. A design for an interim period is necessary where it is not feasible to implement the final design for such portions until build-out of the remaining portions of the publicly accessible private street or upland connection occurs. Such interim site plan, once certified, shall remain in effect until implementation of the final site plan in accordance with paragraph b of Section 127-422 or paragraph a of Section 127-542, at which time the certified final site plan shall supersede the interim site plan.
Publicly accessible private street A publicly accessible private street is a way specified on Map 2 in the Appendix to this Chapter that functions as a street for the purposes of general public use, including vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and is open and unobstructed from its ground level to the sky, except by streetscape elements required or permitted by the provisions of this Chapter.
Applicability of District Regulations 127-051
Applicability of the Quality Housing Program Within Subdistrict A and Subdistrict B, any building containing residences, or any building containing long-term care facilities or philanthropic or non-profit institutions with sleeping accommodations, shall be developed or enlarged in accordance with the Quality Housing Program and the regulations of Article II, Chapter 8 Quality Housing shall apply. The bulk regulations of this Chapter shall be considered the applicable bulk regulations for Quality Housing buildings.
Applicability of the Inclusionary Housing Program For the purposes of applying the Inclusionary Housing Program provisions set forth in Sections 23-154 and 23-90, Mandatory Inclusionary Housing areas within the Special Flushing Waterfront District are shown in APPENDIX F Inclusionary Housing Designated Areas and Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Areas of this Resolution.

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Official Journal of the City of New York - March 4, 2020

TitoloOfficial Journal of the City of New York

PaeseStati Uniti


Conteggio pagine24

Numero di edizioni4002

Prima edizione05/03/2008

Ultima edizione06/06/2024

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