Federal Register - November 4, 1959

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Source: Federal Register

Delegation of Authority 30-IV-24

Delegation Relating to Financial As sistance and Administrative Serv ices 1. Pursuant tb the authority delegated to the Regional Director by Delegation of Authority No. 30 Revision 5 24 F.R.
7713, there is hereby delegated to the Manager of the Disaster Field Office, Charleston, South Carolina, the follow ing authority:
A. Financial assistance. 1. To ap prove but not decline disaster loans in an amount not exceeding $20,000.
2. To execute loan authorizations for disaster loans approved under delegated authority and for Washington and R e gional Office approved loans, said execu tion to read as follows:
W end ell B. B a r n es , Administrator.
By Manager, Charleston Disaster Field Office.

3. To cancel, reinstate, modify and amend authorizations for disaster loans approved under delegated-authority.
4. To extend the disbursement period on all loan authorizations or undis bursed portions of loans.
B. Administrative. 1. To administer oaths of office.
2. To approve annual and sick leave for employees under his supervision.
3. To administratively approve all types of vouchers, invoices and bills sub mitted by public creditors of the Agency for articles or services rendered.
C. Correspondence. To sign all non policy making correspondence, including Congressional correspondence, relating to the functions of the Disaster Field Office.
n. The authority delegated herein may not be redelegated.
III. All authority delegated herein may be exercised by any SBA employee designated as Acting Manager of the


Wednesday, N ovem ber 4, 1959

Charleston, South Field Office.

Effective date: October 6, 1959.
G. D . H o l d e n , Acting Regional Director, Small Business Administration, R e gion IV.
P R .


59-9301; Piled, 8:45 a.m.


o f 1933, that the exemption from regis tration with respect to the offering of securities by Condor Petroleum Com pany, Inc., be, and it hereby is, perma nently suspended.
By the Commission.
O rval


L. DtrBois, Secretary.

59-9298; Piled, 8:45 a.m.



Pile No. 24B1035

P ile No. 24SF-2440

Order Permanently Suspending Exemption Under Regulation A
O c t o b e r 29,1959.
Condor Petroleum Co., Inc., having filed a notification and an offering cir cular on September 5, 1957, and amend ments thereto, for the purpose of ob taining an exemption from the registra tion provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, pursuant to section 3b thereof and Regulation A thereunder,with re spect to a public offering of its 10jt par value common stock;
The Commission having on July 9, 1958, temporarily suspended the afore said exemption pursuant to Rule 261 of Regulation A;
The Commission having ordered a hearing to determine whether to vacate the order of temporary suspension or to enter an order permanently suspending the exemption;
A hearing having been held after ap propriate notice, proposed findings and briefs having been filed, and the hearing examiner having submitted a recom mended decision, to which exceptions have been filed;
The Commission having this day is sued its Findings and Opinion; on the basis of said Findings and Opinion I t is ordered, Pursuant to Rule 261 of Regulation A under the Securities Act
Order Granting Withdrawal of Request for Hearing O cto b e r 28,1959.
The Commission by order dated August 26, 1959 having temporarily suspended the Regulation A exemption of Norton Portland Corporation, pursuant to Rule 261 of the general rules and regulations under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Norton Portland Corpora tion having requested a hearing upon the allegations set forth in the aforemen tioned order, and The Company, prior to a hearing being ordered in accordance with such request, having requested a withdrawal of its re quest for a hearing, and the Division of Corporation. Finance not objecting thereto, I t is ordered, That the request for hearing be and it hereby is deemed with drawn.
Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 261b of Regulation A, the suspension of the Regulation A exemption from regis tration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, with respect to the proposed public offering of securities by the Com pany becomes permanent.

By the Commission.
seal P.R.


O r val
L. D u B o i s , Secretary.

59-9299; Filed, 8:45 a.m.l
Nov. 3, 1959;

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Federal Register - November 4, 1959

TitoloFederal Register

PaeseStati Uniti


Conteggio pagine32

Numero di edizioni7303

Prima edizione14/03/1936

Ultima edizione03/06/2024

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