World Bank Education Projects Database during the period 1998-2015

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You can access to the most detailed information about all the education projects approved by the World Bank Education Council from 1998 to 2015 according to country of origin and presentation date of each project.

Source: World Bank

Project NamePaísYear
Reducing Inequality of Educational OpportunityMexico2015Ver Más
School based Management ProjectMexico2015Ver Más
Second Rural Education Improvement ProjectArgentina2015Ver Más
Additional Financing for the Higher Education Quality Improvement ProjectYemen, Rep.2015Ver Más
Higher Education Reforms ProjectNepal2015Ver Más
Additional Financing for the Third Primary Education Development ProgramBangladesh2015Ver Más
Big Results Now in Education Program ProjectTanzania2015Ver Más
Stepping Up Skills ProjectGuinea2015Ver Más
Skills for Jobs and Competitiveness ProjectSenegal2015Ver Más
Additional Financing for Science & Technology Higher EducationTanzania2015Ver Más
Early Childhood Development ProjectSri Lanka2015Ver Más
Skills Development ProjectUganda2015Ver Más
Higher Education ProjectTajikistan2015Ver Más
Renovation of General Education ProjectVietnam2015Ver Más
Additional Financing for the Higher Education Science and Technology (HEST) ProjectMozambique2015Ver Más
Secondary Education ProjectRomania2015Ver Más
Additional Financing for the Emergency Youth Employment and Skills Development ProjectCôte d'Ivoire2015Ver Más
Punjab Skills Development ProjectPakistan2015Ver Más
Skills and Jobs ProjectKazakhstan2015Ver Más
Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar Operation ProjectIndia2015Ver Más