Guide to Charities in Ireland

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Here you will find the most complete data about all the charities in Ireland.
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Source: Charities Regulator of Ireland


St. Josephs Young Priests Society - Guide to Charities in Ireland

Report StatusSubmitted
Report Due Date30/04/2016
Report SizeLarge
Report Governing FormAssociation
ActivitiesEducation/training,Religious activities,Volunteer development
BeneficiariesReligious activities / University, graduate schools and technology institutes
NameSt. Josephs Young Priests Society
Registered Charity Number20002244
Place Of Business23 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Governing FormAssociation
Is Education BodyNo
Cro NumberNone
Country EstablishedIreland
Charitable PurposeAdvancement of education, Advancement of religion
Charitable ObjectsThe purpose of the Society is two-fold :- To foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life and to assist financially students for the priesthood. To promote the vocation of the laity, to foster a greater understanding and love of the Mass, and t

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