Guide to Charities in Ireland

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Source: Charities Regulator of Ireland


Mansion House Fuel Fund - Guide to Charities in Ireland

Report StatusSubmitted
Report Due Date30/07/2016
Report SizeMedium
Report Governing FormAssociation
ActivitiesRelief of poverty
BeneficiariesCommunity services / Homeless services / The elderly / Those suffering from hunger/poverty
NameMansion House Fuel Fund
Registered Charity Number20001667
AliasMansion House Coal Fund
Place Of BusinessLord Mayor Of Dublin, Mansion House, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Governing FormAssociation
Is Education BodyNo
Country EstablishedIreland
Charitable PurposeRelief of poverty or economic hardship
Charitable ObjectsTo fundraise, collect and distribute the funds for the supply of fuel or heating through charitable bodies in Dublin without the distinction of creed

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